Russ & Meredith Martin

COVID-19 Opens Opportunities in Social Media

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Dear WBC Friends,

For years we have been trying to help a small team of missionaries in a closed country in southeast asia bring the gospel to university students through Facebook. The students we are trying to reach are some of the most digitally savvy in the region (and world), but the team’s leaders have always been hesitant to let these missionaries “go for it”. Well, COVID-19 changed all of that. Missionaries could no longer go to campus to meet students and students had to study from home.

Courageously, without trying to draw too much attention from authorities, our team took to Facebook, creating easy-to-use ways for the limited number of Christians in the country to share their faith on social media. They also took evangelistic media clips and content in their local language and promoted it on Facebook for non-Christians to engage with. They invited their friends to evangelistic events held through video. 

One of their efforts led to 12,000 people watching the content and 100 people requesting further follow-up from a local believer to learn more about Jesus. 

For security, we can’t be more specific, but it has been a thrill to coach this team through learning to use social media effectively to help people discover Jesus. The cultural and spiritual context is very challenging. What a huge opportunity with 100 new people now actively journeying towards Jesus!

WBC Friends, through your partnership we are helping to lead the next generation of digital missions and bringing the gospel where it’s not in southeast Asia. Thank you!
