Phil & Andrea Bauman - SIM

Feeling at home...September 15 2024

Thank you for your prayers for us over the last couple of weeks. 
We have thoroughly enjoyed being 'home' in Ghana. It is hard to believe that we have been gone more than 5 years.

The following are some things for prayer in the coming weeks:

  • We praise God for the opportunity to be back in Ghana and see friends and colleagues. (The picture above is with current and former staff of SIM Ghana).

  • Praise God for great board meetings. SIM has a very engaged and encouraging board that is a joy to work with. Pray for Phil and the leadership team as they work on the things the Board has endorsed.

  • Tomorrow we part ways. Pray for Andrea as she heads home to Canada and for Phil as he goes to Ethiopia to contribute to a church leaders conference. Following a few days in Ethiopia, Phil carries on to South Korea to participate in the Lausanne Congress.

  • Continue to pray for our kids, for Kieran and Mackenzie as they enjoy parenting, for Liam and Meridith as they progress in their marriage and for Cara as she settles into life and studies in Toronto.

Thanks for praying for us
Phil & Andrea