J&R K - South Asia

Dear Praying Family & Friends,
Thank you for remembering us in your prayers as we start off our 3rd year at Hebron School! Here are a few ways you can pray this month.

  • PRAY for our eldest as he continues to settle into life at college on the other side of the ocean from us. He is--so far--very much enjoying his program, the school, students and campus life at Heritage College.


  • PRAY for the Alternative Service that has kicked off here this month. The first few sessions we are exploring the purpose of church. What is it? Why do we participate in it? What are God's thoughts on it? And what should it mean to us? May our new batch of Year 10s coming in feel free to explore their questions on faith and Christianity.


  • PRAY for J as he has a very full teaching load this year. He is also on his third year of his teacher training course. Pray for good time management, enthusiasm in the busyness, and that he'd be able to stay on top of curriculum development and maintain healthy disciplines of rest & work.

  • PRAISE for all the new staff who have joined the school again this year. Especially for new staff to support the Alt Service & Cycling Club for which we are very grateful.


  • PRAISE for our son settling in well in Canada. We're so thankful for the support of family nearby and for the small, family-like atmosphere of Heritage College.


  • PRAISE for a number of students entering into their last year with whom we've been able to develop close relationships. May Jesus use this year and our ongoing relationships to bless, encourage, & love these kids who come from difficult home situations.  


  • PRAISE for 40 years of life for R this month! We are blessed to be in a loving, supportive community and thankful for health & strength to continue to serve the Lord in South Asia.

Top Left: The first Cycle Club ride of the year.
Top Right: Students hard at work learning AutoCAD skills.
Bottom Left: The workshop is organized for the start of another year!
Bottom Right: Fabulous Forty!