Charlotte Martin - Power to Change

God called several of us who are either in teachers' college or going into teachers' college and it was awesome to experience how similar kids are no matter where they are. Even if we couldn't speak the same language and some of the children had so little, the kids were the same. We could feel how God had equipped us for this work and could feel His providence in having prepared us for this work across the world. - Luke

I was blessed to help organize the child wellness assessments we completed for the school. As a pre-med student, I appreciated the chance to learn from experienced nurses, doctors, and nurse practitioners and apply my ‘book knowledge’. God also made a way to overcome language and cultural barriers when working with these children, to build relationships and share His Word. - Elizabeth

One of the most important Spanish sayings I learned was "Jesucristo Basta." Jesus Christ is enough. . . . The families and children of the remote Honduran villages encouraged me to view worship not as just moments in time, but as a lifestyle of recklessly loving and pursuing God with everything that we are. I remember our 12-hour hiking journey up a mountain on our final day to meet one single family who lived at the top of it. Though it was challenging, and I experienced many moments when I wanted to give up, I had the privilege of understanding Christ's love in a new way. The many mountains He would climb to find us - the ninety-nine families he would leave, to come and pour His love out on the one.  - Esther

Honduras Impact by Numbers:

  • 72   - Child health assessments

  • 135 - Fluoride treatments for children

  • 100 - Hand knit dolls given out

  • 200 - Children received age appropriate health education 

  • 200 - Spanish gospel magazines distributed

  • 2+   - Construction projects at the mission, clinic and school

  • 20   - Families visited in El Cacao: received gospel magazine, prayer, toothbrushes

  • 150 - School children participated in Bible lessons on “Prayer” and "Jesus is King"

Friends at, thank you for your partnership that helped make this mission trip happen. One of the big wins for this mission trip was Canadian students coming away with a greater vision for how they might use their skills, interests, and degrees in God's kingdom work in the future.

Stories from Honduras

As I clicked the red hang up button to end my video call with our Honduras mission trip directors last Tuesday the words of Isaiah 25:1 resonated in my heart - "Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things."

February 16-25 we sent 27 staff and students to Honduras on a mission trip in partnership with an organization in Honduras called Adventure in Missions. It was inspiring to debrief with the trip directors and hear stories of impact. Here are a few highlights from some of the student participants.

P.S. One of our goals as a global missions team is to help students care about what God is doing around the world. That is why my team along with our Strategies and Operations department created an interactive map to help us pray for the world as a ministry. If you want to help us pray for the entire world this semester, head to