Phil & Andrea Bauman - SIM

We were delighted that all our kids could join us for the Commissioning.

4 International Directors

Dr. Jim Plueddeman, Malcolm McGregor, Phil Bauman, Dr. Joshua Bogunjoko
Photo: John Dudeck

Thank you so much for praying for us over the last few weeks and particularly for Phil's commissioning as the new SIM International Director. The pictures above were taken after the commissioning service.

We plan to send a fuller update soon. But in the meantime, over the coming weeks please join with us to: 


  • For a great weekend back in February celebrating Joshua as the outgoing International Director and Phil's commissioning. 

  • For the many notes of encouragement and support we have received as Phil has taken on his new role.

  • For safe and uneventful travel as Phil spent time at the Sports Friends global gathering in Thailand. Sports Friends is a ministry of SIM.


  • Please pray for the Flourishing People Workshop taking place in Kenya this week. The theme for the week is “Working from a place of grace.”

  • Our vision as an International Personnel Team (Andrea is a part of this team) is to glorify God through the care, management and development of the people entrusted to SIM by God. Pray that the Lord would be glorified in all that we do this week.

  • Pray for all those travelling to Kenya to arrive safely, stay healthy and enjoy the workshop. 
    Pray for Andrea's colleague Helen, running the workshop and speaking in various sessions and elective workshops. And for another colleague, Anzel, as she manages logistics. 

  • Please pray for the two elective workshops Andrea is leading, that they would be helpful to all participants.

  • For wisdom for Phil as he connects with the different leaders he will be meeting during the time in Kenya.

  • For guidance as Phil prepares for a time together in April with the SIM Executive Team.  

Thanks for praying for us
Phil & Andrea