Ray & Carol Jones (Guelph)

Dear family and friends,

Hope this finds you all well and enjoying life these days. If it's anything like us it will be enjoying life despite all the challenges!

For us it has been quite a bumpy ride for the last few months! Both Carol and I had Covid again and mine left me with weeks of coughing, which I keep thinking its about over, but then it hangs on. That isn't too bad until I have to speak, or take a funeral or wedding, then it gets a bit challenging. In the last month I've taken two funerals and a wedding. The two funerals were both of old friends, but both had trusted the Lord as their own personal Saviour, so are now with Him.

Despite the challenges, summer was very good with excellent summer camps and good attendance, I missed most of the last one, thanks to Covid. Both Carol and I keep up with the shots. Carol has gone through two cataract surgeries and done very well and is now at the stage of various medical appointments, as are we both. But...my diary keeps filling up and the Lord continues to lead, guide and provide. Thanks so much to all you dear folk who pray for us and stand with us!!

This weekend is another Committing To Faithful Men Conference which we started some years ago to help and encourage young men to serve within and from their local churches. I'll be speaking on Principles of Spiritual Growth.

They have started to use the SNOW word around here lately so I now have to get snow tires on my car and look forward to another Canadian winter!

The older we get the more we realize that one of the greatest and most important treasures we have is you, our beloved family and friends. How we would love to see you or hear from you! One thing we do know is that one day all who know the Lord will be together with Him, don't we?  I still write for the Choice Gleanings Calendar that goes to various places around the world. If you would like one, I can get you one or send the address of Gospel Folio Press.

He has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. Heb 9:26

At this time of year our thoughts begin to turn towards the coming to earth of God the Son. He appeared for the express purpose of ‘putting away’ our sin by the sacrifice of Himself. But the wonderful truth continues; ‘For Christ now to appears in the presence of God for us;’ Heb 9:24. He is in the very presence of His Father as an advocate for all who have trusted Him. But it gets even better! To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation. Heb 9:28.                                                                                                                                                               Ray Jones

Coming again, coming again;
Maybe morning, maybe noon,
Maybe evening and maybe soon!
O what a wonderful day it will be -
Jesus is coming again!

   John W. Peterson

Our warmest love to you, our precious family and friends.
Ray and Carol