Trevor & Hannah Martin - Power to Change

"Often I feel like I am the only Christian in my class. It was so encouraging to be around so many Christian students on fire for God."   
-  Jenica, University of Waterloo

About 400 students from universities across Toronto and Southwestern Ontario gathered for our Summit fall retreat. They were inspired that Jesus is 'worth the risk' in their lives. It was encouraging to see students who want to grow in their faith, praying with each other and motivating each other to do things that might be scary as they follow Jesus. Hannah led a workshop on evangelism and Trevor led a workshop on time management. Please pray for these students as they are back on campus, that they would continue to trust Jesus with their whole lives and be light in a dark world. The very next picture below shows our UWaterloo students!

JESUS WEEK @ UWaterloo

One of the ways that students are stepping out in their faith on campus is through participating in 'Jesus Week' at the University of Waterloo. Power to Change is partnering with other Christian students on campus to facilitate opportunities for people to pray, learn to take steps of faith, have conversations about Jesus and invite non-Christian friends to Christian community. Please pray that God would work through the events of this week to inspire students to become disciples of Jesus.