Gord Martin - Vision Ministries

Greetings to our brothers and sisters at Wallenstein,

Thank you for the gifet of $250 received by our vmc office this month.

I am very grateful for developments in Ottawa. The weekend before last, Heather and I went there to spend some time with our son Chad and his family. While I was there I also spoke at 3 churches and visited a group of pastors on Saturday morning. Two of the churches I spoke at were Chin churches (a tribal group) from Burma/Myanmar. It's so hard for them to live freely here and know that their family and relatives back home are still in a state of war. It's a war that's been going on for 75 years. 

I also had the opportunity of speaking to our new Persian Church there. It's small, and all of the members are from Muslim background. They are meeting at a free Methodist Church. Prior to them agreeing to provide the space for the Persian group I met with the board of the Methodist Church by Zoom. It turns out that two of the board members had a connection with Lakeshore Bible Chapel. One attended Lakeshore as a student and another had a brother who attended Lakeshore as a student!

Last Saturday I met with six immigrant church planters/pastors in KW. We spoke about the challenges faced by immigrant Church Planters and also more explicitly about our diverse cultures. We had a great time together!

Yesterday I spoke to an Eritrean church in Toronto. 

These newcomers to Canada have a vibrant faith and are a joy to work with.

Gord Martin

265 Parkmount Dr

Waterloo, ON