Robert & Susan Martin - Kingston Prison Ministry

“This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him.”

1 John 4:9 

How wonderful that we can know God's presence through his Son, the One who did not despise us, weak and weary in our sin, but drew near to us because He first loved us.

Dear friends,

Since July of this year, access into the six federal Institutions has slowly been “normalizing”.  We thank God for these opportunities to again have direct interaction with inmates.  At present we are able to:

  • Conduct monthly chapel services in three institutions

  • I have resumed my weekly one on one visits in four institutions

  • Alpha is once again in full swing at one

  • This week we began escorting inmates to our Sunday services on the street

In August I met L. with the goal of assisting his reintegration into the community by accompanying him for Escorted Temporary Absences outside the institution. In the few weeks I knew him he shared with me his faith in Jesus Christ and we had meaningful conversations.  Sadly, L. passed away Nov, 28th at the age of 75, having served 51 years in prison. His faith displayed to me the truth of Colossians 1:27, “Christ in us, the hope of glory”. And isn't this a truth each of us as God's children can treasure?
Please pray with us that we will be able to resume facilitating the Alpha course again in the Assessment Unit. It is here the men are new to the prison system and where we have found they are more open to discussion and spiritual interest.  These first introductory conversations are often the beginning of a relationship as we follow them to their next institution where they will serve the majority of their sentence.
Thank you for your prayers and partnership as we strive to fulfill the calling the Lord has placed on this ministry. It is our desire to be alert to every opportunity to reach these men with the light of God’s truth and the hope of heaven.
We pray that Christmas will allow you times of extra worship and devotion to our Saviour as you celebrate His birth. 

Robert and Susan

Our mailing address is:
Prison Minstry, Kingston
PO Box 20051
Kingston, ON K7P 2T6