Ray & Carol Jones

Dear saints in Wallenstein,

Warmest love and greetings from Carol and I in Guelph.

Yesterday was the first time out for a long time and what a blessing it was; everyone was so happy to be there and the Lord appeared to bless the morning. This was the first of a three week series on 2 Cor. 1; actually I’m up to about six in that chapter.

Thank you so much for your continued faithful support! It is so good to be ‘on the road’ again, but your support is a great blessing and I really need prayer for physical health and strength. I will be eighty in August and although my doctor says that I’m doing “fantastic”, for some reason I do get a bit more tired than I used to. 

Both Carol and I have had our first Covid shots and I get my second on Monday; we’re hoping that Carol can get hers at the same time. I need to go to England sometime before too long. My sister has breast cancer plus two spots on her liver, on top of that she has broken two bones in her back. Please pray for her spiritually.

We are very happy that guelphbiblecc.com is planning to have children’s and family camps again this year. This is all in the will of the Lord, of course. There are many hurdles and potential pitfalls to overcome.

I really enjoy being part of the Paul Hoffman prayer group, I'm looking forward to being back with you all, Lord willing.


Ray and Carol Jones