The world + COVID - Phil & Andrea Bauman

The grass and trees are green. Rain falls to nourish the environment. What a precious reminder that despite the many unknowns God is still in control.

The grass and trees are green. Rain falls to nourish the environment. What a precious reminder that despite the many unknowns God is still in control.

But what has life and ministry brought our way?

Asking key questions.
Confident in our purpose.

Phil is leading a Ministry Advancement Task Force and one of the things they are working on is helping SIM leaders around the world ask key questions. One of several questions they are seeking to help teams address is 'How could the global COVID-19 situation affect ministries through 2021 in accomplishing our purpose?'  The answer to this question will often vary by global region, by country, and sometimes it will vary within a country. How we engage in ministry to various communities in many cases is changing. Although there is a lot that is changing we are absolutely committed to and confident of our purpose.

Convinced that
no one should live and die
without hearing God’s good news,
we believe that He has called us
to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ
in communities where He is least known.

Phil and his colleagues on the Task Force would value your prayers as they seek to provide advice and counsel to leadership teams around the world..

Will you walk with me?

Connecting new Personnel leaders with more experienced personnel leaders is a key part of Andrea's role as International Personnel Coordinators' Development Lead. Another question we are asking is 'How could the global COVID-19 situation affect the well being of our workers and their ability to contribute to ministry through 2021?' As an organisation of more than 4000 workers there is a lot of Personnel/HR work that needs to take place to provide care for our people. Many times new Personnel Coordinators take on this role with little experience and handover. Andrea is seeking to help these new leaders by pairing them with a more experienced Personnel Coordinator who can act as mentor. Please pray for Andrea that she will be able to facilitate good mentoring partnerships so that our workers around the world can receive quality care so that they can flourish in ministry.

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We are incredibly grateful for God's provision for this house for us in Kitchener.
We moved in here at the end of May. We did do a bit of redecorating and are thoroughly enjoying the place God has given to us. We are enjoying the house itself, and the location, close to the kids, and with easy access to many walking trails is a tremendous blessing.

Pursuing global kingdom goals from Kitchener

Although we are now based in Canada we are still very much involved in what God is doing around the world.
As International Personnel Coordinators' Development Lead, key goals for Andrea are that:

  • New Personnel Coordinators are supported in the first year in their role to equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to serve with excellence.

  • All Personnel Coordinators are encouraged in their personal development to serve with excellence

Andrea also continues to serve as Personnel Coordinator for the Middle East team. This allows her to keep very connected in doing the same things as those she seeks to serve in her other role. 

As Global Director of Strategic Development two key goals for Phil are:

  • to see future oriented developments within the organisation further SIM's purpose and mission around the world.

  • to see innovation, relevant research and missiological reflection inform strategic and organisational development within SIM.

If you want to know more about our roles and how we serve globally while based here in Kitchener, please drop us a line, we'd love to share with you.

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Congratulations to Kieran and Mackenzie on their engagement. They announced their engagement the same day we we got our house! It was a rather momentous day!!
June 12, 2021 is looking like it will be another big day!

Prayer Corner

Praise God

  • for provision of a house and furnishings in the middle of COVID.

  • that Mackenzie and Kieran are engaged.

  • for providing employment for our kids throughout COVID. Although, Liam's co-op job was cancelled, Liam & Cara have both been able to work part-time.

  • for the work of the Ministry Advancement Task Force.

  • for those that are mentoring new Personnel Coordinators.

  • for his ongoing provision for us.

Pray that 

  • Phil and other colleagues will have wisdom as they journey with SIM leaders to help them be effective in ministry in a world + COVID.

  • God will provide the right people to mentor new personnel coordinators.

  • Personnel coordinators will serve their teams with excellence to enable SIM's workers to flourish, even in challenging ministry contexts. 

  • We will sense God's leading and empowering to help us lead well in the roles we have been given.

  • We and our colleagues will remain clearly focused on the purpose we believe God has given to us.

  • Kieran and Mackenzie will be able to make good plans for their wedding.

Thank you for journeying with us,
Andrea and Phil