Kingston Prison Ministry News

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"Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things,
be diligent to be found by Him in PEACE,
without spot and blameless."
II Peter 3:14

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Regular prison routines have been halted: no programs, no in-class schooling, no library, no gym, no chapel services, no chapel programs, no family visits, no work releases, no escorted passes to church or other personal development groups on the street, no on-site parole hearings (some zoom hearings have been allowed).  They are allowed access to outdoor yard for exercise in smaller groups but for only a limited amount of time each day. Those in minimum security have now almost reverted to maximum security restrictions again. 

Pray for their endurance.

Men are housed in different units and ranges and cannot associate between these various groups in order to maintain social distancing. This means that Christian inmates that were able to previously gather together for fellowship or Bible study are no longer able to do so.

Pray for their encouragement and steadfastness despite the loneliness.  

We are thankful for the opportunity of connecting through letter writing and we do have some phone calls with a few men.  We are able to have regular contact with those who have been released to the street or have been transferred to halfway houses and we seek to pray with and encourage them. 

As well, we have had the opportunity to participate in a radio program that is transmitted to three of the institutions in this area.

Pray for this radio outreach.

Thank you for your prayers and may God bless each of you with a special sense of His presence and faith in his promises. 
Much love,
Robert and Susan

Family News

COVID has not stopped our family activities!  We had another granddaughter, Elliyah, born March 26 and then also two weddings.  Meredith was married April 3rd and Ben June 27th. We welcome and love these new additions. 
Our joy truly is not found in our circumstances but in the Lord Jesus!  With each occasion we felt his care and blessing and provision and we will cherish the memories despite the changes to our intended plans.
May we all be drawn closer to Him as we ride out this season of uncertainty and may God bless each one of you and keep you strong and healthy in His grace.