Trevor & Hannah Martin

God Using UW Students to Point People Back to God

An acquaintance of mine from high school (who has not always been the kindest to me and in the past has openly "hated christianity and christians") shared about something they were struggling with on social media. Reluctantly (if i'm being honest), I messaged her just to check in and offer support, and to my humbling surprise the conversation lead to her sharing that she would like to get connected to a church and God but wasn't sure where to start. I am so so excited to see how the Lord will move in this persons heart and life.
- CC -

There is an older gentleman who I take care of who has been suffering greatly in the last few months and has really wanted nothing to do with God, but yesterday morning he took some time to pray and reconnect with God which was a step in the right direction and an encouragement to me.
- Josh -

A friend in my program who doesn't know Christ is currently at a pretty rock bottom place, which hasn't been fun for us to navigate together, BUT I can see God using this to begin to show her that He is the source of ultimate hope and life! He seems to be beginning to soften her heart and create more opportunity for conversation!
- Katherine -

WE INVITE YOU you to join us at our online event
this Saturday April 17th at 8pm (EST or PST)
to hear some more stories of what God has done in the lives of students
this year and what we are trusting Him for next year.

Family Fun 

Blue Jays Season! Park visit with Grandma! Colouring!

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God is doing amazing things through these students.
Please continue to pray that students
would continue to be lights
in a dark and desperate world.

Thank you for all your support in helping students discover Jesus

To give financially to our ministry:
go to or call 1-855-P2C-GIVE
Our mailing address is:
151 Cavelletti Court
Waterloo, Ontario N2K 3X3