Robert & Susan Martin

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"Inasmuch as there is none like you, O LORD, You are great, and Your name is great in might... For among all the wise men of the nations, and in all their kingdoms, there is none like You."
Jer. 10:6-7

It has been awhile since we communicated with you. As much as things are so very different, the Lord has helped us to adapt with different approaches to our ministry.
God is certainly not restricted and we see Him continuing to work in the hearts of men. The gospel message remains effective as it delivers from the penalty and power of sin and we know this needs to be our emphasis more than ever. Phone calls and letters continue to often be the key means of connecting.

In this update we thought we would share with you some highlights from a few of the men’s lives with whom we have contact.

We have known Miles* for 7 years. He is a bright Christian and keen to share the gospel with others. He has been a mentor genuinely caring for his fellow inmates. I met with him regularly on a weekly basis and He would often refer other inmates to visit with me.


Miles recently won an appeal of his sentence which released him from federal custody to provincial custody while he waited for his bail hearing. As he was arriving at the provincial jail he was joined by three other newly convicted men who were just beginning their sentence and full of fear. One of the three men became his cellmate that very first night. The young man expressed his frustration to Miles that Miles was also in the cell. He had wanted to be alone as he had intended to commit suicide. He was overwhelmed with the shame and embarrassment he had caused his family and wanted to end his life.

Miles was able to share the gospel and bring comfort as he told him that “his life was still valuable and he was loved by God and that God had a plan for his life.”

Pray for Chad* that the seed of this gospel encounter would bring forth fruit.

Miles was delighted to be used of the Lord to help someone once again and his phone call to us to share this news brought joy to our hearts also. Miles did obtain bail and is now on house arrest living with his elderly father.

Once guys are able to be released to halfway houses there are still challenges ahead. Brad* was released on parole recently and has updated all of his government I.D.'s, completed his taxes for the last three years, purchased a cell phone and bought a motorcycle. He has written both his G1 and M1 drivers licenses, and has safetied, insured and licensed the bike. As well, despite COVID restrictions he has been able to find employment. Each situation is different and Brad has certainly been responsible and is doing well. We have kept in touch since his release. Brad is a cautious Christian and is growing in his understanding of what it means to trust again.

Liam* became a Christian several years ago when he began doing Bible correspondence courses after coming to prison. His testimony has a distinct “before Christ saved him” and “after”. He is still on the inside and will be for the foreseeable future. We keep in touch through letters and phone calls. He too is a bright Christian and is not afraid to “let his light shine” before men.

He is university educated and prior to COVID was “employed” in the institution woodworking shop designing and laying out office furniture using AutoCad. Now he is still able to spend one day/week learning a new architectural software program as well as helping to program (code) another online learning course. He thanks the Lord for the many opportunities in which to use his talents including volunteering in the institution chapel assisting the chaplain in producing a radio service that is broadcast from a small local station.

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Inmates from three institutions can tune in for scripture readings, music and a short message each Sunday morning. We happily contribute to this programming and Liam is enjoying editing the program.

In a letter I received from him recently he said, “Thank you for your message about being ‘heart healthy’. For me this has a lot to do about operating with a clear conscience day to day. When the Holy Spirit speaks to your conscience he first illuminates your heart with truth and then prompts you about what to do.”

Pray for Liam’s spiritual growth and continued faithfulness to witness for the Lord in prison.

*Names have been changed.

Thank you for your interest and encouragement to us when you write and pray and give. Please keep praying for each gospel contact we have through letters and phone calls and now in a small way this radio ministry.


Robert and Susan

Our mailing address is:
Prison Minstry, Kingston
PO Box 20051
Kingston, ON K7P 2T6