Gord Martin - Kenya trip

It was everything we could have hoped for!

1)      The main event, Training of Trainers in Nairobi: Ishmael and his staff recruited 26 qualified students who were eager and cooperative learners who are intent on training others. Time will tell. Exhausting but satisfying. The thing I was most apprehensive about was introducing the Meyers Briggs personality assessment. It was a total hit!

2)      We had a great celebration on the second Sunday with four churches participating (in a slum area). They know how to celebrate!! It was a 5+ hour service plus time to eat together.

3)      Last Sunday we traveled 9.5 hours west of Nairobi to Ishmael’s home area. We both spoke to about 90 people, a very rural area. People came from as far as 3 hours away to participate! By the way, who knew a conference lanyard could be used as a temporary fix for a broken battery cable? Chris Atkinson! We drove that way for at least 10 hours all together. 

4)      We visited two new church plants in a very poor area near the Tanzanian border on the edge of Lake Victoria, just to encourage them. People were there, eager to welcome us. At one place they fed us a “delicacy” that is only cooked for guests of honour. The look on my face when I tasted it, gave them a laugh. Let’s say, its definitely an acquired taste!

5)      Today I visited (Chris left yesterday) the Mumbo church where we funded a whole building in 2015. They were so excited to see me, seven years later. One of the men hugged me over and over! He’s the extravert of the group! They provided lunch for us. It was gratifying to see their progress.

6)      Chris and I had quality time with Ishmael and Molline both in Nairobi and in the village where they are originally from. Ishmael is a real character. I have learned to imitate his voice and Ishmaelisms almost perfectly. The audience recognizes it immediately and they “crack up”. The picture below is of Ishmael, Molline and his parents.

7)      My voice is has held up well and sleep has been totally adequate. Thank you for praying!

God has carried us. Thank you so much again for your prayer support!

Am about to embark on the first leg of my trip home; Kisumu to Nairobi, Nairobi to New York and New York to Toronto. God willing, I will arrive in Toronto at 4:30 on Friday the 21st.

Gord and Chris