Gord Martin - Kenya trip

Written October 15 - I know it's morning for you but it's mid-afternoon here in Nairobi. Our Training of Trainers went so well! Over the moon!! Thank you for praying.

  • We had great trainees. They were pre-selected as current active leaders in their churches, capable in English and having capacity to re-teach the material. Ishmael and the team here did a very good job. The trainees are eager to go home and train others with the training they have received. They are already making plans for doing so.

  • The dialogue with the class was stimulating and challenging every day. AND we had lots of humour.

  • My voice has held up very well

  • The Meyers Briggs assessment which was part of the training is the part I was most nervous about. It was a hit! We had a big emphasis on being self aware, knowing yourself honestly. This morning so many mentioned that they now understood their own DESIGN, their strengths, weaknesses, gifts and personality. It was all we were hoping for.

Things are quiet now. We are meeting with Ishmael later this afternoon for dinner and debrief...and planning the next few days. We will each speak at a service tomorrow and then prepare for our trip to western Kenya.

Thank you for praying,