Kenya Bound!

A good Monday morning to you all!

I am headed to Kenya on May 14th (next Tuesday) with Dave Ralph of Brantford. We are going for the purpose of strengthening the leadership of a network of 50-100 churches associated with Vision Ministries Kenya. They are rich in faith, limited in terms of other resources.

Many of you have followed me on these trips in the past and have prayed for me. That's what I'm asking for again. Would you pray:

1.  That all of the logistics and preparation that needs to be done this week, will get
done – and will get done well!

2.  That we will enjoy safe travels and the health.

3.  Three days of leadership training in Nairobi

4.  A Sunday, multi-church celebration – who knows what we may be asked to do that day!?

5.  One day for a prayer retreat

6. Two days with the VMK board and task force – this is a super important time. Pray for great wisdom for those days.

7. Three more days of leadership training in near Namanga, at the Tanzanian border (a different group, in the Maasai area  See the photo below. It’s a pretty rustic place. 


8. One day of visiting churches.

9. One day of multi-church celebration in Namanga area.

If any of you wish to contribute to the $5000 I require to make this trip – that would be a bonus! This amount will cover my travel and also a significant portion of the conference costs. There are a number of ways to give; PayPal, Credit Card, Canada Helps: easily accessed from our website; be sure to include designation under ‘description’ or ‘purpose’, Gord’s 2019 Kenya trip.

I plan to send a few updates while in Kenya, so will be in touch!

Gord Martin

Vision Ministries Canada