Ready, Set, Launch


Wallenstein, what a difference two days can make. Last week I popped by the first session of Summer Missions Launch. Students from all across Canada participating in our five mission trips had just arrived that afternoon for their time of orientation and training (the team going to Vietnam is pictured above). That first evening I could feel a sense of nervousness and apprehension. Two days later however, when I attended the final session and commissioning time, I sensed excitement and enthusiasm. I could tell that the students were more comfortable with their teams and they were eager to fly out the next day. Below are some pictures of the different trips spending time in training, prayer, and worship. Over the next month, please pray with me that God would use these trips to help many people come to know Jesus. Pray that our Canadian students would come home changed as they see God at work.  

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Summer Plans:

For the next four weeks, I am entering a season of focused ministry partnership development. During this time I am trusting God to provide $1000 of new monthly support. Please pray that God would provide for my needs as I meet with supporters and share about my ministry. If you are interested in increasingly your monthly support or would like to introduce me to others interested in learning about my ministry, please let me know -, 226.791.6703.

Prayer Update:

Thanks for praying for my brother Trevor and his mental health journey over the last many weeks. On April 15th he was successfully discharged from the hospital. The road to full recovery is still long and it's unclear what his new normal will be. He's doing well though and has lots of great ongoing care/support. As they come to mind continue to pray for Trevor and his family, especially his wife Hannah as she cares for both my brother and their daughter, Amelia.

Having lunch with my sister and Trevor's family on the day he was released from the hospital.

Having lunch with my sister and Trevor's family on the day he was released from the hospital.
