Merry Christmas from Canada

Merry Christmas!  

We know what we will do...

Next year Phil will be taking on the role of Global Director of Strategic Development. This is a full time role continuing the work of helping SIM teams around the world plan, implement, and evaluate ministries that help SIM accomplish the purpose we believe God has given us, as well as leading other strategic initiatives within the organisation.

Andrea will continue with her part time role as Middle East Personnel Coordinator. Andrea is also in conversation about another part time personnel role.  

...but where will we live?

This is a great question and one that we have not yet answered. We are seeking wisdom and direction and we would value your prayers for us as we discern. The two most likely locations on our list at the moment are the UK and Canada. There are pros and cons to each. If you have any thoughts, we'd be happy to hear them!

What have we been doing?

The last three and a half months have involved a lot of travel. In September, we had the privilege of participating in another module of our Integrated Mission Leadership course in the UK. We then spent time in Italy at a leader development event with Dan & Christie, followed by a few days in Rome with Kieran and his girlfriend, Mackenzie. In October, we both participated in and led sessions at a Flourishing People Workshop in Kenya. During these last few months we have also had the opportunity to spend time with three Middle East teams at their respective retreats, as well as joining in the retreat for the International Leadership Team. As part of our travels we were in Singapore for some work meetings and took the opportunity to take a few days to ourselves to explore the city.
We are glad to be staying in one place for Christmas!

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Top: Rugged Scenery of the Middle East
Middle L: In Rome with Kieran and Mackenzie, Middle R: Sun!
Bottom L: Singapore, Bottom R: Out for a walk with Dan & Christie

In our last letter we asked for prayer for Taz, our niece's husband, who was in a motorcycle accident at the end of August and sustained a serious brain injury. Praise God, Taz has been making a remarkable recovery.

Time in the UK...

Jan 21 we leave Canada for a several weeks to:
a) attend the last module of the Integrated Mission Leadership course.
b) visit family and supporters in the UK.
c) look at location options should we decide to live in the UK.
d) attend a meeting in Kenya for of all SIM Directors (we are part of the planning team).
We look forward to getting home on Feb 29 - happy leap year!

As we look at a new location we recognise that we have benefited from very affordable housing options in Ghana and Canada. As we look to make a more permanent move we realise that we will face a significant  rise in our housing cost. Please pray that we will make wise decisions.

Prayer Fuel!

Praise Items

  • Clarity regarding our future roles.

  • Cara has adjusted well to life in Canada.

  • For safe travel and profitable times in our Sep & Oct travels  - including a good Flourishing People workshop.

  • For safe travel and good visits on our recent trip to the Middle East and Asia.

  • That Liam has enjoyed his co-op job in the ecology lab at the university.

  • For healing for Taz.

Items for Prayer

  • For wisdom regarding where we should live.

  • For wisdom as Phil transitions into a new role. 

  • For wisdom for Kieran as he continues to consider next steps.

  • For safety in travel and good connections with people in the UK.

  • That the Directors' Retreat will be of benefit to all that attend.

Thanks for your interest, support and prayers throughout 2019, a year that brought great changes and new opportunities. We recognize that it is your prayers that have sustained us through this time of transition. We look to the New Year with a clearer sense of direction but still some big decisions to make, and we value your continued prayers.
Our prayer for each of you is that you will have time this Christmas to reflect on and celebrate God's greatest gift.

For to us a child is born,
    to us a son is given,
    and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
    Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Happy Christmas
Andrea and Phil