Merry Christmas!

...we saw His Star... and have come to worship Him.
— Matthew 2:2

Christmas Greetings to all our Family and Friends



is the


of the world.

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When we know the One who is Truth and Light, our lives are brightened with comfort and hope and peace. Peace that is profound. A soul that is settled. Life eternal - rich and free. A home in heaven. A best friend in Jesus.

May we all desire to walk in the light of Jesus Christ allowing His love to empower us by His Holy Spirit to live victorious lives for the glory of God.

At this time of year, we celebrate the birth of our Saviour - born to deliver us from our sins.

“No more let sin and sorrow reign,
Nor thorns infest the ground.
He come to make God’s blessings known
Far as the curse is found!”

As this year closes and we anticipate a new year and a new decade we praise God for His faithfulness and gracious goodness to us. We thank him for each of you as well. Your prayers and financial support are what enable us to shine the light of the gospel into the Kingston area prisons. We thank you and praise God for you!

We wish you a bright and beautiful Christmas and may God richly bless you and your loved ones as you celebrate His birth.

Robert and Susan