Unexpected Impact

80 student leaders from across Canada came together to encourage and learn from each other. Hannah had the opportunity to bring students together from Vancouver to Nova Scotia at this pre-conference, that was held before our large annual P2C PLUS conference in Toronto. Going though some of our new bible study material invigorated and reminded them of the need to be rooted in Christ in all aspects of life. They also heard about the Renegotiating Faith study that we shared with you a few months ago. It was interesting hearing leaders who are in the generation of the study to talk about themselves and their friends. They also got to hear stories from each other and our National Director. 

For Hannah, the most impacting part of the day were the stories that the students shared to encourage each other. Some stories unexpectedly drew her to tears. One student has been given the opportunity to share about community and the Gospel to all the leaders of the other clubs on her campus. Another student shared of how he came from a Hindu background and has helped another Hindu girl to come to Christ!  Still another student shared of how they are leading their group to take bold steps to try new things on their campus to help people engage in the Gospel. 

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Here are some of the things the students said they wanted to
remember from the pre-conference: 

  • To have patience! In God's work on campus as well as in my own sanctification

  • I am really thankful I went and was able to be reminded of the common reason for being a student leader which is Christ and to learn form other people and be reminded of all that God is doing in students across Canada. 

  • God is at work. He is at work in the ministry in many different ways but he is also working in the next generation and we must be attentive to that as well.

  • To be more intentional with my Discipleship Group in helping them make their faith their own. 

  • My biggest take-away was that sanctification is a life long process.

God is doing amazing things through these student leaders across the country.
Please continue to pray that they would have boldness to bring the truth of the Gospel onto their campuses that desperately need Jesus.