Letter of Thanks

Dear Friends at Wallenstein BC:

It is common practice among many of us in January to pause and reflect on God’s gracious provision in the year past.  Looking back at 2018, I’m amazed at the way in which God continues to animate and empower the work of Vision Ministries Canada. 

The Spirit nudged us to come alongside another dozen church plants, with new congregations launched in five different provinces including the perennial hard soil of Quebec!  Throughout the year, the VMC team engaged in a consulting capacity with an average of five churches a month.  In many cases these conversations identified foundational issues, offered practical steps toward resolution, and aligned leadership energy in a common direction.  More than two hundred leaders gathered at Thinking Shrewdly in Waterloo to hear Alan Hirsch describe the beauty of the gospel and the best ways to help our secular society understand and embrace it.   Planters, pastors and other church leaders were encouraged and reconnected with ministry colleagues from across the country.

And we (you and us) did it together.  Inspired by God, your financial partnership resourced the VMC team for these and other missional endeavours.  So, with great thanks I’d like to acknowledge your generous gift of $1241.00. Your faithful support is making a kingdom impact across Canada through church renewal, mission and multiplication.

And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.     II Cor. 9.8