One Trip Down, Two More To Go...

I arrived home just after 7:30pm on Sunday night and now I'm at the Toronto airport sending you this short update. I'm headed to Orlando, Florida on the second of three back to back trips I have in November/Decemeber.

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I just spent 4 days in Indiana at a missions and mental health conference. I heard talks on things like resiliency in transition, third culture kids in the 21st century, and rest. I enjoyed the road trip with my teammates (see picture above) and the opportunity to learn things that will help us know how to more effectively prepare and send both our long term and short term international staff.

My trip to Orlando is a personal trip to visit my brother's family. We'll celebrate American thanksgiving together, have some fun, and I'll also be helping them do some packing as they will be moving overseas in the new year. 

November 30th (two days after I return from Florida) I will fly to East Asia. Myself and another teammate will be visiting our international interns there. Please pray that I would stay healthy, and that we would be a blessing and encouragement to the two teams we will visit. 

Thank you for standing with me in this ministry. Your prayers and support mean a lot.

Road trip to Indiana - getting some last minute work done in the back seat before we cross into the US and I can no longer use the data on my phone.

Road trip to Indiana - getting some last minute work done in the back seat before we cross into the US and I can no longer use the data on my phone.