Update from Ecuador!

Dear everyone,

I hope you are all doing well, having survived the sugar rush of Halloween and are now looking forward to Christmas. :)

Life here has been a bit of a roller coaster here the past few months. Some problems have arisen in the church that have also come to affect the school and we are still working through the after effects of these problems. Please pray for leadership in both the church and the school and that wisdom, truth and God’s word would reign over all the obstacles the enemy throws in our way.

Thankfully, in spite of the upheaval, youth group has still been going pretty well. In September the older youth had the desire to put on a big youth event focused on the gospel. It was such a blessing for us to see them caring about the spiritual health of the other youth and doing the work to make the event happen. The evening focused on Joseph and the parallels between his life, that of Jesus, and our own. In October we were also able to go as a youth group to a conference at another church and were pleased with the turn out. Please pray these youth will keep growing in the right direction.

Jasmine Martin is down here and has been such a blessing. She is working with kids who need extra help with their school work and she and her roommate often have a few kids over at their home after school. She has jumped into Ecuadorian life with enthusiasm and has impressed me with her drive to learn Spanish and soccer. J Please keep her in your prayers as she finishes out her last month and a half here. We will be sad to see her go.

A few weeks ago, Raúl and I sent in his visa application for Canada. We would love if you would pray with us that the Canadian government officials would look with favour on his application. We would like to come at Christmas time as he has never seen snow and has never experienced what I call a “real” Christmas.  More than anything I want to be able to show him my world up there, and also for him to meet each of you too.

Thank you again for your prayers and continued care for us,

Jessenia and Raúl

Enjoying Ecuador’s scenery with Jasmine and Sherrie Martin (Sherrie was only able to stay for 2 weeks.

Enjoying Ecuador’s scenery with Jasmine and Sherrie Martin (Sherrie was only able to stay for 2 weeks.

The youth group on their way to the conference.

The youth group on their way to the conference.