Transition and Travel

September was a month of transition for me. My new role on the global missions team started September 5th. That first week in September, my new supervisor began orienting me to the roles and responsibilities I will have as the global missions general manager. I also met with my small group resource team for the last time, leaving them with a big to-do list of what needs to get done to have the next small group workbook printed by December. In many ways the transition has been very smooth (I didn't have to relocate, I didn't even move desks in the Guelph office, I've worked with my new supervisor before, etc.) but there is also grief that comes with a transition, and I think even though I knew to expect it, it still caught me off guard somewhat.

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Some of the highlights from September were, 

  • Meeting my new team (pictured above) - although I already knew most of the members of my new team, we live in 6 different cities in 3 provinces. We met altogether for 3 days, and it was a good time to bond and connect as a team.

  • Starting to plan for 2019 mission trips - this is the time of year when we begin to plan our mission trips for next year. We've been busy finding leaders, making plans, and dreaming about new opportunities.

  • Planning travel - this fall I'll get to attend a missionaries and mental health conference as well as go on the annual partnership trip to East Asia. I'm looking forward to learning how we can better care for the missionaries we send overseas, and I'm excited to get a better understanding of our ministry and partnership in East Asia.  

  • Online ministry - Although my response times have been slower then they should be this month, I'm still connecting with a few women (Baneet, Vikie, and Bay) online. These conversations were started on our CREATE mission trip, and I continue to reach out to them. They all struggle with either anxiety or loneliness. As God leads me, I try to listen to them, ask good questions, make them feel loved/valued, pray for them, and point them to Jesus.

Thank you for continuing to stand with me in this ministry. Your prayers and financial support make all of this possible.

A few final picture highlights from the summer:

We celebrated the end of CREATE mission trip by going to Toronto for the day. We ate good food, did some evaluation activities and went to a Toronto Blue Jays game.

We celebrated the end of CREATE mission trip by going to Toronto for the day. We ate good food, did some evaluation activities and went to a Toronto Blue Jays game.

Relaxing with my family on Labour Day weekend.

Relaxing with my family on Labour Day weekend.

Getting to spend time with my new nephew.

Getting to spend time with my new nephew.
