Briefcases on the Move...

Our family fall rhythms are in place - the kids know how to pack their lunches and get their water bottles for soccer practice. I have a cleaning schedule I’m (kinda) sticking to - Mop Mondays, Wipe Wednesdays etc. Heath and I have three solo days together where we play with all the puzzles. Pretty common ‘Stay at Home Mom’ stuff going on.

However, if you look at my task list this week, it looks a little different. It includes unusual things like:
- Locate 8 suitcases
- Research how to use car seats in a taxi
- Post house for rent online

Early this year we asked you to pray for God’s direction for our next steps as our work U.S. visa expires. God has answered your prayers and early in 2019 our family is moving to Singapore! (Singapore is a tiny city-state island at the tip of continental Southeast Asia right on the equator. It’s English speaking and the financial and shipping hub of Asia.)

It’s been a journey, but we have sensed God’s strong leading to move to the heart of the Asia-Pacific region to continue to help lead the next generation of digital missions. We’ll be within a 7 hour flight of 50% of the world’s population and many of the least reached people and places.

Russ and his team have spent our five years here developing digital strategies and platforms to bring the gospel to the far corners of the earth and now it’s time to go help our leaders in these far corners effectively leverage this work.

This is a big step of faith for us. We’re going to need your prayers and support more than ever. There are lots of unknowns and things to trust God with, including our kids’ skin sensitivities. We are confident this is the place for us for the next season despite the challenges and costs.

Please continue to pray for us as we guide our children through the transition and towards the adventure ahead.
