Esther Frey - September 2024

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence)  PRAISE: What a special time in my home area, thanking all who helped in any way to make things happen. Leona was a wonderful hostess. For the time spent with the Lopez family. Irv and Shirley were also great hosts. Some insight into future plans.  A rental provision for Brian so he can move his things from my home. That is still in the process.  PRAY:  That I will have wisdom as I work my way through camp history, church files, and personal things. Brian is teaching this year and doing the Emmaus work. I would like to attend the Emmaus alumni homecoming at the end of September. The camp permanent committee wants to meet more often. Please pray for guidance.

Phil & Andrea Bauman (SIM)

Thank you for your prayers for us over the last month.  We had a great time away on vacation but more importantly we became grandparents (and officially old according to our kids)!
Thea Deborah was born Aug 5th weighing in at 8lbs and 3oz. Everyone is doing well and Kieran and Mackenzie are figuring out parenting!

The excitement continues! Liam and Meridith are getting married on Aug 24th and to help us celebrate Andrea's parents as well as her brother and his family are coming for the wedding! We are looking forward to great times together.
The following are some things for prayer in the coming weeks.

  • We praise God for Thea's safe arrival. Please pray for Mackenzie's recovery and for both Kieran and Mackenzie to adjust well to being parents. 

  • We are grateful for the opportunity we had to have some time off in July. Praise God for the refreshment he provides through vacation and the generosity of friends who allowed us to use their cottage.

  • Phil and his team have been working very hard to get information ready for the September Board meetings. Pray that this information would be helpful to Board members as they prepare for our meetings. 

  • Pray that the final wedding preparations would go well for Liam and Meridith, for great weather for an outdoor ceremony and most importantly that they will have a Christ-centred marriage.

  • Continue to pray for Cara as she gets ready to move to Toronto and start her Masters.

  • Pray that we can have a great time together with Andrea's family who are coming for the wedding.

Thanks for praying for us
Phil & Andrea

Raul & Jessenia Espinoza - August 2024

ESPINOZA, RAUL & JESSENIA (Guayaquil, Ecuador; MSC) PRAISE: That the school year started well at Hope of Bastion School, that we found a good pre-school and daycare for our boys and they are thriving in their new social lives. The new youth season also started well and due to one of our youth leaders' involvement teaching Christian education class at the school, a good group of students have joined the youth group. We love that these youth are getting spiritual input from both the school and the church as a team. For an encouraging weekend at camp with families from our church and sister church. Our boys enjoyed the sand and their friends SO much!  PRAY: For continued safety for our community and family in Bastion. For one of our youth girls who lost her father in gang territorial struggles. That our families from church who attended family camp would feel encouraged and empowered in their relationship with each other. For strengthened immune systems for our family as we have been dealing with lots of colds the last few months.

J&R K - August 2024

J&R  (South Asia; Frontiers)  PRAISE:  Thank you for your prayers this past month as R settled our oldest son into life in Canada. He’s mostly all set to begin his year at Heritage College in Cambridge. PRAY: Pray for our family as we adjust to the new normal of living apart. Pray also for continued improvements of relations between Canada and our country of service which is affecting visa issuance for some Canadian staff. Pray for the start of school on the 19th of August. May we enter into another year expectant and dependent on the Lord for His Kingdom work to prosper in South Asia!

Robert & Susan Martin - August 2024

MARTIN, ROBERT & SUSAN (Kingston, ON; Kingston Prison Ministry; MSC)  PRAISE: 2 men that we escort to our church shared some of their testimony as part of a ministry update at our church this past Sunday. The attendance at our Wednesday night program has risen to 32.  PRAY: Louis had written us a letter informing us he would not attend our programs as he is unable to believe in God. But last week he attended and again tonight and even asked for a Bible to take back to his cell.  Pray the Holy Spirit will open his eyes and heart to receive the Lord Jesus as Saviour.