Charlotte Martin - April 2024

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE  (Guelph, ON; Power to Change)  PRAISE: Flights have been booked and funds are coming in for our May/June trips. God is providing as he always does, and it's always exciting to watch. One of my teammates in Ottawa hosted an Easter dinner with international students. There were good spiritual conversations as students learned about Easter.  PRAY: Pray for our mission trip directors as it will be a busy month wrapping up campus work and making final preparations for mission trips. Pray for Jamie and Theo, spiritual interested students who my teammate Dave in Montreal is journeying with. Pray these students would give their lives to Christ. Pray for my team as we continue to plan for next year. Pray for creativity to know what new things to start and if there are things we should stop doing.

J&R K - South Asia - April 2024

J&R  (South Asia; Frontiers)  PRAISE/PRAY:  Praise the Lord we made it to Parents’ Week with energy left! Pray for stamina to finish the term well and for the unique opportunity to share the Easter Story boldly with many who don’t know Jesus. Over 400 guests will be on campus. May the light shine brightly, may the name of Jesus be lifted high, and may God receive all the glory for His goodness and faithfulness to the school over the past 125 years.

Les & Sharon Frey - April 2024

FREY, LES & SHARON (Elmira, ON; Local Church)  PRAISE: For Hugo, Les’ Mexican friend showing evidence of his faith and growing. For good contacts and Bible studies. For health and opportunities to share the gospel. PRAY: For the three studies and additional small group Les has. For the marriage mentoring ministry at WBC. For Olga, a 94 year old Colombian living at Laurelwood Court who Sharon and I shared the gospel with.

Esther Frey - April 2024

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence)  PRAISE: Three (two ladies and one 12 yr. old boy) were baptized March 23. The one lady was a Jehovah Witness for 30 years. What a joy! We had 21 children attending our Easter event. A great opportunity to share the message of our risen Lord. Some visitors attended our Good Friday and Easter Sunday services. I enjoyed attending several concerts Easter week with ladies I used to pick up for Sunday School when children. So grateful for your constant prayer support. Received some encouragement on my eye conditions.  PRAY:  We will have 5 Fridays for children, praying that those who came Easter Thursday will return and then in June continue with them in DVBS. Our seniors will meet April 12 and the ladies April 20. We want to see the bathroom project completed so the painting can be completed. Keep the future of camp in prayer. I will receive two more knee injections this month.

Jenn Brubacher - April 2024

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: I’m thankful for the time I had to connect with a YFC staff member from Vancouver. I continue to volunteer in the high school, meeting practical needs such as being a supervisor on field trips and coaching track and field this spring. These moments provide incredible windows of opportunities to connect with students, build relationships and be a safe, caring adult for youth. PRAY: Please pray for our staff team in Listowel as we experience a significant transition. We need more volunteers for our Tuesday night drop-in; as numbers increase, so do the needs of students. Pray for the handful of students who are struggling significantly this month. Debilitating anxiety, grief, and academics are some things students don’t know how to navigate. May they see glimpses of God’s Kingdom as He dwells in us, showing them Jesus’ Way in their conflict, big emotions and hopelessness.