Esther Frey - April 2024

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence)  PRAISE: Three (two ladies and one 12 yr. old boy) were baptized March 23. The one lady was a Jehovah Witness for 30 years. What a joy! We had 21 children attending our Easter event. A great opportunity to share the message of our risen Lord. Some visitors attended our Good Friday and Easter Sunday services. I enjoyed attending several concerts Easter week with ladies I used to pick up for Sunday School when children. So grateful for your constant prayer support. Received some encouragement on my eye conditions.  PRAY:  We will have 5 Fridays for children, praying that those who came Easter Thursday will return and then in June continue with them in DVBS. Our seniors will meet April 12 and the ladies April 20. We want to see the bathroom project completed so the painting can be completed. Keep the future of camp in prayer. I will receive two more knee injections this month.