Trevor & Hannah Martin - Power to Change (Local)

A New Brother in Christ!

Simon* has been a part of our UWaterloo P2C community for a couple of years, coming out to various socials and playing intramural sports. He's also roommates with a couple of guys in our community. He's heard the gospel and also seen the gospel lived out. This past April, another student chatted with him about faith. He was apprehensive and just passively looking into things spirtually. Something changed over the summer because...

This September Simon joined a Discipleship Group and was calling himself a Christian (to the surprise and skepticism of the other students). The specific turning point for Simon was unclear, but there has been evidence that he gave his life to Christ. Jake, a student leader, is starting to disciple Simon and has noticed that Simon's prayers have changed from being mostly about school and co-op to wanting to find joy in Christ in all areas of his life! Praise God! Thank you for your part in helping students like Simon to discover Jesus! See our UW community below (at Christmas Banquet).

Thank You!!
Thank you so much for your support this year whether it was through prayer, finances, encouragement or just showing interest in our ministry. We couldn't help point students to Jesus without people like you! 

Connect With Us In 2024!

We know that some of you we have connected with recently and some of you we haven't. How can we connect with you in the new year? Let us know by clicking the Button Below. Some of you like to make a year-end donation (and some already have, thank you!).  You can give at the other button below.


Already putting her feet up!

Glasses Smiles!

Dec Bdays...Avery is 2! Amelia is soon 7!

Local Christmas Lights!

Phil & Andrea Bauman

We trust you will have a great Christmas season
celebrating together with others.

Over the last number of months we have enjoyed a summer at home, including some vacation. At the end of September Phil wrapped up his Strategic Development role and started sabbatical. This included some home assignment time for us both visiting family, friends and supporters in the UK and Norway. 
The pictures below are of a calm lake to vacation beside here in Ontario, a blustery day in the UK's Peak District, a windy and sunny day in Scotland's Pentland Hills and a beautiful afternoon beside the Oslo Fjord in Norway. (Can you tell we enjoy being out in nature?)


The end of August was extra special as Liam proposed to Meridith and she said 'Yes'! Meridith has been around our family for several years and we look forward to formally welcoming another daughter to our family at the wedding on August 24th 2024!

Sabbatical diversion

To follow through with a commitment that Phil had made earlier this year, in October we took a short pause from sabbatical to work with a team in Asia. It was a privilege to serve this team. Many of them live in a place of significant natural beauty but they face very significant ministry challenges. Please pray for SIM teams around the world as they seek to minister wisely and strategically in their various contexts.

Preparing to transition

In early November Phil had the privilege of joining with the rest of SIM's International Leadership Team at their annual in-person gathering. This year was especially meaningful as Joshua Bogunjoko prepares to step down from his time as the SIM International Director and hand over leadership to Phil in March 2024. Joshua and Joanna have led faithfully in this role for more than 10 years. Please pray for them as they, like us, face a very significant transition.

Virtual Commissioning

The SIM Board of Governors will be hosting a commissioning service for us on Saturday February 24th at 0930 EST (1430 UTC). We anticipate streaming the event via Zoom so you can join us virtually if you wish. We will share a link closer to the date. 

Preparing for the next stage of the journey

April 2024 will mark 24 years of ministry with SIM and we are very grateful for God's provision for our financial needs over this time.
As we prepare for Phil to step into the role of International Director we have had our finances reviewed. It was noted that in the last financial year we have received less financial support, and the cost of living has increased. Additionally, with the new role we are facing increased support needs. As one of our faithful financial supporters we want to thank you for your generous contributions to SIM on our behalf.  Would you join with us in asking God to provide for the needed financial support? (If you would like to make changes to the amount you have been giving, please contact your local SIM office or reply to us.)

For Prayer

Praise God

  • That we have continued to have peace even in the midst of facing such an enormous new role.

  • For a summer at home in Ontario without international travel.

  • That Andrea has been able to hand over her Middle East responsibilities to a very capable colleague based in the region.

  • For the opportunities for rest and reflection during this brief sabbatical period.

  • For the face-to-face time with the International Leadership Team as Joshua prepares to hand over to Phil.

  • For Joshua and Joanna's leadership while Joshua has been ID for the last 10 years.


  • That God would continue to guide us and grant us his peace as we move into this transition period.

  • That Phil can make wise use of his sabbatical time to reflect and realign.

  • For both of us as we desire to allow God to show us the ways that he wants us to lead and minister in this next season.

  • For God's provision for our own personal support needs. 

  • For God's care and protection over us and our kids.

Thank you for your prayers and interest.

Jenn Brubacher - Youth For Christ (Listowel)

December 2023

What An Incredible Year!

I can't help but be filled with gratitude when I think about our impact this year. We coached 75 students, had 41 weeks of drop-in, and had countless conversations about the fantastic and brutal things in life. 

I walk through the hallways of the high school and hear, "Jenn! Hey!" or "Yooooo Jenny, I made the basketball team!" or "You're going to be at drop-in tonight? Good, I'll be there." I see students at coffee shops and extracurricular sports, more moments of connection outside our regular program times. I sit across from them as they share how they're struggling to have hope to live and celebrate their significant milestones and deep healing. The gift of time and proximity is immense, and young people know they have people in their corner they can trust. 

Christmas Campaign

I'm looking for 20 people to join my Christmas campaign to reach approx. $1000 in new monthly funding for my work at Youth Unlimited YFC, anywhere from $5- $200 (tax receiptable). I depend heavily on monthly giving for my fixed salary and program costs, making moments like those I shared above possible. We're already a fifth of the way there!

As you think about your year-end giving, will you pick a square and join the 51 others who are a part of bringing the Good News of Jesus to young people in our community? 

Thank you for being a part of this. Your prayers and financial support are meeting students in a very real, tangible way. God is making all things new, and He isn't finished yet!

Raul & Jessenia - December 2023

ESPINOZA, RAUL & JESSENIA (Guayaquil, Ecuador; MSC) PRAISE: For continued safety for us and our community. That we had a good youth event "Everyone to the Table" where we studied Mephibosheth and then introduced the youth to chili which they seemed to enjoy. That the sponsor Zoom event went well and we were encouraged by the turn out and feedback.  PRAY:  For the Christmas season, that both our school and church community would be encouraged as we think about Christ coming to earth to be with us and that a spirit of community would continue to be developed. That throughout the busy holiday season we would make time to focus on the meaning of Christmas ourselves and impart that to our boys.