Trevor & Hannah Martin - Power to Change (Local)

A New Brother in Christ!

Simon* has been a part of our UWaterloo P2C community for a couple of years, coming out to various socials and playing intramural sports. He's also roommates with a couple of guys in our community. He's heard the gospel and also seen the gospel lived out. This past April, another student chatted with him about faith. He was apprehensive and just passively looking into things spirtually. Something changed over the summer because...

This September Simon joined a Discipleship Group and was calling himself a Christian (to the surprise and skepticism of the other students). The specific turning point for Simon was unclear, but there has been evidence that he gave his life to Christ. Jake, a student leader, is starting to disciple Simon and has noticed that Simon's prayers have changed from being mostly about school and co-op to wanting to find joy in Christ in all areas of his life! Praise God! Thank you for your part in helping students like Simon to discover Jesus! See our UW community below (at Christmas Banquet).

Thank You!!
Thank you so much for your support this year whether it was through prayer, finances, encouragement or just showing interest in our ministry. We couldn't help point students to Jesus without people like you! 

Connect With Us In 2024!

We know that some of you we have connected with recently and some of you we haven't. How can we connect with you in the new year? Let us know by clicking the Button Below. Some of you like to make a year-end donation (and some already have, thank you!).  You can give at the other button below.


Already putting her feet up!

Glasses Smiles!

Dec Bdays...Avery is 2! Amelia is soon 7!

Local Christmas Lights!