Raul & Jessenia Espinoza

Espinozas in Ecuador

“Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!” 
1 Chronicles 16:34

Dear Wallenstein Family, 

Happy 2023! We are now two months in! We hope you are all doing well and looking forward to all this year has to offer. As this new year begins, we like to take a look back and see all the ways God was faithful in 2022 and we can say from experience, “God is good and His love is faithful”.  

One of the ways He has continuously shown us His care is through your faithful, monthly financial support. We are so grateful: we love our life in Ecuador and the work God has given us to do and so we are glad we get to keep on doing it. We hope that you too can be encouraged by what you have been a part of this past year.

What was new this year: 
The above photos represent the two major novelties in our life this past year. 

  • Danilo! Our new baby arrived in May making us the happy parents of two sweet, funny boys. They keep us busy but we have been adjusting to parenting two little ones and have seen God’s faithful hand in giving us wisdom as we grow in our parenting skills. Tiago is a careful, friendly little fellow whose imagination keeps us smiling. Danilo is our little "bull-dozer" who is eager to be on the move and keep up with his big brother.

  • School Board at Hope of Bastion School: Also in the spring of 2022, Raul stepped out of his teaching position at the school to concentrate on his new role as president of the school board. We had 3 Salvadorian women join us as consultants as Raul and the school board worked to formalize many school processes and rework the organizational structure of the school to better fit the school’s size and current realities. This new role has been stretching for Raul and sometimes exhausting, but we have felt God’s leading and  are encouraged with the progress made so far at the school. Please pray for wisdom for him and the school board as they are looking for a new principal as the current one (who served there for the last 20 years) is retiring. It is no easy feat to fill this position with someone with both the qualifications and the vision needed to guide the school.

What has continued:

  • Youth: We are grateful to continue to be involved in the youth group at the local church. This year we were able to go back to many of our pre-pandemic activities and so we were able to have our yearly Christmas party without restrictions!  Since camp last year, there have been a handful of youth who have attended discipleship Bible studies regularly and these youth have become involved in helping out with Sunday school. It has been evident to us that these youth have grown in leadership skills, friendship with each other, and faithfulness in serving throughout this past year. We feel a continuous hope and pride in how they are making decisions that is at the same time tempered by the knowledge (build on experience) of how fast they can turn away to other things. Please pray for these youth as they are right in the years of forming their identity and deciding if that identity will revolve around Christ. 

  • Sponsorship: Jessie continues to be involved as she can with sponsorship work at the school. This year we were able to find quite a few new sponsors and currently have the highest number of sponsored children ever!  Please pray that we would find sponsors for those without and that each student would come to a saving knowledge of Christ through their Christian education, and interactions with teachers and sponsors.

Again, thank you for being a part of our ministry this past year. We would not be here without people like you participating in the ministry. May God bless you greatly as you continue to serve Him. 

With love in Christ,

Raul, Jessenia, Tiago and Danilo

Phil & Andrea Bauman

Launching into a New Year

Can you believe it's February already? We hope you had a good Christmas season. We had a great Christmas at home and we enjoyed having our kids around at various times. We even had snow to celebrate Christmas.

Celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary, 2 and a half years late, was a real treat for us. We got to go away. We didn't go and do work and tack a couple days on the end. We went away to the Dominican Republic for a few days just to celebrate us and all that God has done for us! It was lovely to enjoy some sun and warm weather in the middle of Canadian winter!

Looking back

In the latter part of the year we mentioned that we had a variety of meetings and trips taking us to the USA for Board meetings, travel to the Middle East, visiting our team in France, connecting with the International leadership team as well as facilitating ministry planning in Kenya.

We are very grateful that each of those connections was profitable and we see God's hand at work in the many interactions and conversations that we were able to be part of. We are also very grateful for safe travel and good technology that allows us to remain connected while at home.  

Andrea also had an extra busy few months as she had extra responsibilities while her supervisor Helen was on sabbatical. She is grateful that it went well and that Helen has returned!  

The Kenya team we  got to work with

2023 off and running

Following our anniversary vacation many things are demanding our attention.

In early February Phil participated in the World Evangelical Alliance Mission Commission Global Consultation in Chiang Mai, Thailand. It was great to meet with mission leaders from different organizations around the world and discuss 'Our Future Mission'. From there he took the opportunity to visit another of our teams in the region and provided some training and input to their leadership and Board.

At the end of February Andrea is spending a week with Helen in Ethiopia to help the leadership their work through their personnel team needs. A few days later Phil heads to Board of Governors meetings and other key leadership meetings followed by a visit with another team to help with strategic ministry planning before he gets home.

In April we are anticipating travelling together to spend time with a partner mission in Europe, our Middle East colleagues at their Spiritual Life Conference and then time with Phil's Executive Team colleagues at their annual retreat. 

May sees Phil joining the Treasurers consultation as well both of us starting off a new mentoring relationships as part of SIM's leader development initiative. 

In the midst of all that, there is a lot of routine work as we seek to serve our leaders through virtual connections. We are also engaging with the integrated global systems implementation that Phil is spear-heading that we mentioned back in September. That work is continuing and demanding our time, especially for Andrea as she has a significant role in the new people management aspect.

Family update

We remain thankful for the privilege of living close (ish) to our young adult children, Liam has moved about 75 mins away to London Ontario for his job as a Sustainability Coordinator but his girlfriend is still in Waterloo so we see him regularly. Cara is enjoying her co-op job (Jan through Aug) at the University of Waterloo and has secured housing close to campus that will serve her well when she again switches in September from employee to student. Kieran and Mackenzie are still living and working close by. Kieran is keeping busy working full time and taking courses as part of an online Masters of Divinity through Tyndale Seminary.

Prayer Corner

Praise God

  • for safe travels and very profitable connections through end of year travels.

  • that covering for Helen's sabbatical went well for Andrea.

  • for great family times together at Christmas.

  • that we could go away and celebrate our 25th anniversary!

  • for Cara's co-op job and housing.


  • for stamina, health and safety for us in travel.

  • that Andrea will serve other personnel coordinators well so that SIM's workers are well cared for.

  • that Phil will have wisdom to engage well with entities as they plan ministries.

  • for the Board of Governors meetings and other leadership meetings.

  • for our April retreats with Middle East as well as Executive Team colleagues.

  • for wisdom for Kieran as he continues his MDiv studies.

Thank you for journeying with us,
Andrea and Phil  

Phil & Andrea - February 2023

Prayer for February: Feb 17th to 24th Andrea will be in Ethiopia helping the SIM team there work out some of their personnel/HR processes. Feb 21st to Mar 4th Phil will be in Kenya first for Board meetings then at SIM’s Global Assembly/Leaders’ gathering. Please pray for safe travels, good working time with the personnel team (Ethiopia) and productive Board meetings (Kenya). After Kenya Phil will be travelling to another country to help SIM’s Central Asia team with some strategic planning.

Trevor & Hannah - February 2023

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For various regional winter retreats across Canada that have been spiritually refreshing for students and challenging for them to share Jesus with others. For at least 10 students nationally who have come to Christ so far this school year!  PRAY: For Hannah who returned to campus ministry part-time in January after her maternity leave. Pray for her as she helps with our ministry at Laurier and disciples some women there and two new staff women in Ottawa as well. For more students to go on spring/summer mission trips this spring. Our numbers are low currently.

Russ & Meredith - February 2023

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH  (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement)  PRAISE:  Enjoyable time as Meredith's parents visited for the lunar new year holiday. Russ had very successful meetings in Ethiopia, empowering a group of leaders to expand in Africa. Emerging marketing team for Lausanne Movement. PRAY: For effective development of programming of an online experience for Seoul 2024, the 4th congress on world evangelisation. For Meredith's health, a bit of a mystery, but fairly constant pain and eczema. For new friendships with peers at our apartment for Gwenyth and Wyatt.