Gord & Heather - February 2023

MARTIN, GORD & HEATHER  (Waterloo, ON; Vision Ministries)   PRAISE/PRAY:  I am hopeful that Indy will be able to return to Canada later this month. Please pray for his safe arrival, there appears to be a viable path. He continues to be a comfort and encouragement to those injured because of ongoing war in Myanmar/Burma. Six people are preparing for baptism in the Ottawa Persian church. Yonatan, Ethiopian/Eritrean pastor in Toronto is planning to visit Sudan and Ethiopia next month to encourage and assess in the aftermath of a horrible war. He is eager for me to accompany him, I am leaning... Please pray for me in this decision.

Charlotte Martin - February 2023

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE  (Guelph, ON; Power to Change)  PRAISE:  I'm feeling a renewed sense of energy and motivation this January which feels like a gift from God. I also enjoyed our P2C month of prayer and fasting in January. We are seeing mission trip application numbers increase. Our staff member who moved to Vietnam is settling in well and getting visa issues sorted out.  PRAY: Pray that students would continue to apply for mission trips, especially our national mission trips. We are hoping for 50 students in total. The application deadline is February 6. I'm looking for a new housemate. Pray that God would provide for me in this area again. Pray that I wouldn't lose the energy and optimism I've had at the start of this year.

J&R K - South Asia - February 2023

J&R  (South Asia; Frontiers)  PRAISE: Praise the Lord for a restful time with dear friends in Oman over the winter break. Pray for more workers to labour in the fields in this needy country! We're thankful for a good settling back into the patterns and routines of boarding school life. R has done well with the transition into her role full-time. The boys are all doing well. Pray for our eldest as he writes his trial exams this month - he has 10 in one week. Pray for J as he's had to make an emergency trip to Canada to do a visa conversion. Pray for favour with the Consulate in Toronto, safety in all the travel, and a speedy return to work & ministry. May this new term be one where students are encouraged to continue to grow in their relationship with Jesus.

Ray & Carol - February 2023

JONES, RAY & CAROL (Guelph, ON; Itinerant Preaching/Teaching Ministry)  PRAISE: The Lord has opened the doors for various opportunities to witness, teach, et.. here in Arizona. I enjoyed, and needed, three weeks off from speaking on Sundays. Thankful that we're both doing OK. health wise, but not without challenges.  PRAY:  Back to a pretty full schedule so would appreciate prayer for that. Please continue to pray for our health and ministry.

Les & Sharon - February 2023

FREY, LES & SHARON (Elmira, ON; Local Church)  PRAISE: We praise God for a good start of the year in health and activities. A new opportunity has come up to have a worship service in Court at Laurelwood retirement home in Waterloo the 4 th Friday monthly.  PRAY:  Les has 4 studies every other week with a total of 45-50 attending(3 are seniors studies). He speaks at 2 churches this month and another time in spanish. Pray for more couples to sign up at WBC for the mentoring program.