J&R K - South Asia - December 2022

J&R (South Asia; Frontiers) PRAISE: Praise the Lord for a fruitful Youth Fellowship Camp last weekend with the Senior level students. Many were encouraged in their faith. Praise too for the Christmas season which is a natural avenue for sharing Good News. PRAY: Pray for the outreach happening among local women meeting weekly at the Imam’s house to hear stories from the Bible. Pray that our interactions with the students would reveal Christ to them. Pray for stamina to finish the semester well and for a good break as we visit our old Team Leaders in Oman over Christmas.

Les & Sharon - December 2022

FREY, LES & SHARON (Elmira, ON; Local Church)  PRAISE:  We are thankful that our brief flu didn’t interfere with any ministry obligations and that we are only dealing with a nagging cough.  PRAY:  December has only seven ministry events so we trust we will have some down time.  Pray for Les’s sister Marlene as she recovers from a hip replacement Dec. 1.  We would like to see a new group of couples sign up for marriage mentoring at WBC in the new year so please pray for this.  Thanks for your prayer support!

Esther Frey - December 2022

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence) PRAISE: Had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. Forgot to mention last month the missionary retreat in Guelph. What a time of fellowship with more than 100 fellow workers. Chapel electricity has been restored. No cost!!! PRAY: When I had my recent eye injection the doctor found a little less vision in my good eye, so requested a study, but there is no space available in December, so I might have to wait until January. Maybe someone will cancel a visit! Various Christmas activities, especially one for children Dec. 18. Invitations will go out. Have a blessed Christmas time and end of the year. Even so come Lord Jesus. Still no response from the Light Company about fixing the post and lines in my backyard.

Jenn Brubacher - December 2022

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: This month, I've been serving in the school in various capacities: coaching the senior girls' volleyball team, supervising gym time and field trips with the CASE program (similar to ELAWS at Elmira high school) and helping as a scribe for the grade ten literacy test. The circle of students I know is expanding, which is an answer to prayer. On Wednesdays during the lunch hour, we open our youth centre and invite students to come and pray with us. Each week we have a prayer focus that covers each other, our community and the world in prayer. I will be increasing my hours in January! 2023. PRAY: With increased hours comes a need for increased monthly support. Please pray for me as I continue to fundraise. Pray for wisdom as we navigate conflict with students who attend our drop-in program. As we get to know these students better, the impact generational cycles/wounds are having on our students (and our own lives as well) is apparent. Pray for deep healing for these students and their families. Please pray for the work of the Salvation Army community and church. They do a lot in our community, especially this time of year. Pray for families struggling financially this season.

Raul & Jessenia Espinoza (Ecuador)

Dear Wallenstein family,

Thank you for your continued prayers and support for our family here in Ecuador.

Raul continues to be occupied with his role in the school board and we find it takes up the majority of his time. We feel that it is a challenging role for him, but are encouraged by the progress we have seen at the school and have felt God’s leading in it all.

Jessenia has been working at preparing an information Zoom presentation for sponsors at the school and has been learning basic video editing skills to be able to show sponsors a bit of what life is like in Bastion. She would appreciate prayers as technology is not her strength, even though she has been enjoying the creative side of it.

We are thankful that our boys have adjusted very well to being back here in Ecuador. Tiago has come to love church and always gets excited on Sundays when he gets to go to Sunday school. We are thankful to have a church community that we can both serve in and be blessed by.

A major prayer request for us these days is that once again there has been a surge of violence and crime in the city. There have been several violent outbreaks in the prisons which has also spread to other parts of the city and there have been a number of bombs set off and policemen assassinated. School had to be canceled one day and since then many parents are still uncertain about sending their children to class.  We have also been staying around home as much as possible. Our hearts break for this city and for its people who are living in growing fear of the power of the drug cartels.  Please pray with us for wisdom for the authorities and safety for us and our community in these uncertain times.

Under his wings,

Raul, Jessenia, Tiago and Danilo