Charlotte Martin (Power to Change)

Can you speak at our campus?

Throughout the month of November many P2C campus groups have a global missions emphasis called "GOvember." They promote P2C mission trips, highlight God's heart for the world and encourage students to consider how they can be involved in God's global work. As part of this emphasis, I have been asked to speak at the weekly gatherings of three campus groups. Here's where I'll be.

  • Nov 10th - Wilfrid Laurier University

  • Nov 11th - University of Guelph

  • Nov 25th - University of Waterloo

Pray that God would use me to inspire students to care about what God is doing around the world.

Also, this week (Nov 7-11) I may be visiting a few other campuses (potentially University of Windsor, Western University, Fanshawe College, Brock University) with a teammate from BC to speak one on one with students about global missions opportunities. These visits have been a logistical challenge to set up. Pray for my teammate Evelyn as she tries to make them happen before she leaves Ontario on Nov 12th.

Why do we send students on mission trips?
Mission trips are formational and transformative experiences in the lives of students. Students learn so much about themselves and God as they engage in missions. Below is a recap of our 2022 mission trips.

DESERT RAIN: The focus of this trip was on building relationships with local students through planned activities, running English classes and interacting with students on campus. By the end of the trip, each participant had developed at least 2-3 friends. Justin, one of our staff participants shared how he and a teammate first met a local student on a campus prayer walk. As they continued to meet with the local student they were able to share the gospel, pray with him and even leave him with a Bible in his own language. Thanks to technology, they have continued to keep in touch with him.

NATIONS NEXT DOOR: Participants were invited to Guelph, to experience international (IR) student ministry in Canada. They used lots of creative ways to build relationships with IR students: a bubble tea social, a Giant Dutch Blitz game, an outreach where a former IR student, now a businessman, spoke on balancing faith and career. They ended with a visit to a local farm for a hayride, hotdog roast and of course s’mores. These friendships led to spiritual engagement. Cathy and Betsy used the Perspectives tool to engage Japanese students in spiritual discussions. Andre, met a Brazilian believer for weekly Bible study. IR students joined participants in attending church. We trust these friendships will lead to changed lives!

PRAXIS EDMONTON: PRAXIS created space for participants to grow as missional leaders as they learned to integrate spiritual formation with missional practice. One participant summarized her experience this way: “One of the biggest things I've learned on PRAXIS is the importance of being. I always thought mission trips were about doing, but we can also show God's love in a powerful way by simply being with others and listening with a caring heart.” What a beautiful reminder!

VIETNAM: our team partnered with the local ministry to invite students to picnics, English conversation groups and soccer. Through doing ministry together, our team was able to see students, both Canadian and Vietnamese, gain a desire to share the gospel with friends. Four students came to faith while the team was in country. After the Canadians left a few more Vietnamese students accepted Christ as the local staff and students continued to interact with interested students.

Wallenstein, thank you for helping to mobilize students with your prayers and financial support during “GOvemeber.” Your partnership means so much.

Trevor & Hannah - November 2022

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For a national Christian counseling program that we are able to offer again to our student leaders. Please pray for students to get the support they need amidst emotional and mental health challenges. For over 500 students who attended one of our annual fall "Summit" regional retreats. Pray for them to put their faith into action. PRAY: Please pray for our ministry in Quebec. There have been a number of staff transitions as well as cultural and other challenges. So, our ministry there is in a rebuilding phase. Please pray for us as parents. Our older daughter Amelia has seemed to be much more needy recently and prone to meltdowns, especially after school. And our baby Avery is now 10 months old. Please pray for our ministry as we navigate how to minister to students and others who identify as LGBTQ+

Russ & Meredith - November 2022

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH  (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement)  PRAISE:  We have 20+ people from 5+ countries moving through our home each week for Bible study and discipleship. Our new central location is enabling this. Successful Indigitous hackathon during October with teams in 70+ cities and 40+ countries creating innovative new digital experiences to bring the gospel to new people, places and spaces. Meredith's health is doing better. PRAY: Pray for friends, L, N, I, N & A that we are reaching out to and are in process of discovering Jesus. Pray for the provision of a marketing leader for Russ' team. Pray for wisdom is the next steps of developing our MissionHub app.

Robert & Susan - November 2022

MARTIN, ROBERT & SUSAN (Kingston, ON; Kingston Prison Ministry; MSC) PRAISE: For continued access into the federal institutions. There have been some isolated range lockdowns but so far this has not affected us. After some very turbulent and negative choices in the past B. and P. have requested copies of previous Bible courses and are seeking God’s way again. PRAY: B leaves prison Nov 9th for an intensive 6 month treatment program before then going on to a halfway house. Pray for steadfastness. N is a Christian and desires to have contact with his two sons. Pray this would be possible. R and G are on the street. Pray for success as they establish relationships and find employment.

Gord & Heather - November 2022

MARTIN, GORD & HEATHER  (Waterloo, ON; Vision Ministries)   PRAISE:  Praise God! Excellent time in Kenya, leadership training with 26 great people who will train others. Praise God again! The new Persian church in Ottawa is getting off to a good start. Notes from my conversation with the planter from last Friday: Now 20-25 people, 13 want to be members, 5 want to be baptized,  7 people in class for new believers, Every Wednesday bible class…many questions, every Thursday prayer with 7, Thanksgiving event, many guests, students, others, so much thanksgiving to God, from everyone!!  PRAY:  Pray earnestly! A ministry couple has a son who is in deep trouble. Pray for deliverance.