Jenn Brubacher - August 2021

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: I am blown away by what God is doing in our youth centre. For the last two weeks of July we ran our drop-in day camp, Camp Wanna-get-away. Each day, we had a ‘Thought of the Day’, talking about honesty, comparison and the truth and hope of the Gospel. One day I asked our group, ‘What would change in your life if you knew God loved you?’ Their response? ‘I wouldn’t be so anxious.’ ‘I would be happier.’ ‘I wouldn’t get as angry.’ These sweet junior high students, most of whom come to our evening drop-in program, are recognizing the impact a relationship with God can have in their lives! PRAY: Please pray for God to grow the seeds that were planted at Camp Wanna-get-away. For vision, discernment and creativity for ministry in the fall; there are a few things up in the air, including whether we'll be able to be in the schools. For peace only God can give; many students are wrestling with anxiety and uncertainty about the future.

Jenn Brubacher (Youth For Christ)

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Jenn Brubacher
Campus Life Director

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Planting Seeds

What would be different in your life if you knew God loved you?

I wouldn't be so anxious.
I would be happier.
I wouldn't be as angry.

This was part of a conversation I had at our drop-in day camp, Camp Wannagetaway. As I type this out, I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around the things God is doing in these students' lives. We serve an amazing God. 
Back in the fall, the same students who answered the question above,  were so anxious they wouldn't enter our building. They are now sharing openly and honestly about the pain they've experienced, chatting with us about their week and wanting us to know about the people who matter to them.
We do a lot of seed planting here. We do our best to plant seeds of truth, water and nurture them with God's grace and show them what healthy relationships look like in the way we treat each other. We trust Him with the rest.  

Students are recognizing the impact a relationship with God can have in their lives. However big or small, seeds are growing!

Camp Wannagetaway!For the last two weeks of July, we ran day camp for junior high students, most of them from our drop-in centre.  We. Had. A. Blast.   We made bubble tea, art, played at Between The Lines and SO much more! Most importantly, we shared the Good News with these kids every single day with a 'Thought of the Day'. These two weeks opened so many opportunities to speak life, hope, grace and truth. We talked about honesty, comparison and how following Jesus is the best way to live. I pray Camp Wannagetaway has lasting impact in these kids' lives!

Camp Wannagetaway!

For the last two weeks of July, we ran day camp for junior high students, most of them from our drop-in centre.

We. Had. A. Blast. 

We made bubble tea, art, played at Between The Lines and SO much more! Most importantly, we shared the Good News with these kids every single day with a 'Thought of the Day'. These two weeks opened so many opportunities to speak life, hope, grace and truth. We talked about honesty, comparison and how following Jesus is the best way to live. I pray Camp Wannagetaway has lasting impact in these kids' lives!

Spiritual RetreatFrom July 14th-16th, I went wilderness camping on Kukagami Lake for a spiritual retreat with a few staff.   Wow.  It was beautiful and quiet, an incredible time to come away, spend time with the Lord and dream about what's to come in ministry.   There were a lot of highlights from this retreat, including catching some fish. I like fishing! Who knew! I'm really thankful for this time to come away, in the quiet and with minimal distractions, and spend time with Jesus.

Spiritual Retreat

From July 14th-16th, I went wilderness camping on Kukagami Lake for a spiritual retreat with a few staff. 


It was beautiful and quiet, an incredible time to come away, spend time with the Lord and dream about what's to come in ministry. 

There were a lot of highlights from this retreat, including catching some fish. I like fishing! Who knew!
I'm really thankful for this time to come away, in the quiet and with minimal distractions, and spend time with Jesus.

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Work Friends
I am blown away by God's provision and guidance, especially with Work Friends. Ainsley and I felt the Lord's prompting to start this little podcast as a way to "meet" and extend conversations to a wider group of students. It's grown into something bigger than we could have imagined. It's reaching students, young adults, parents, seniors and everyone in between!

Here are some highlights from the last few months:
- Hosting Youth Unlimited YFC's national conference
- Sitting down with guests to talk about identity and eating disorders, technology, Imposter Syndrome and more
- Creating our fifth season, set to release in the fall
Click here to listen along!

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- For God to grow the seeds that were planted at Camp Wannagetaway

- For vision, discernment and creativity for ministry in the fall. There are a few things up in the air, including whether we'll be able to be in the schools

- For peace only God can give; many students are wrestling with anxiety and uncertainty about the future.

As I reflect on this past school year, I want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for journeying and walking alongside me in this call God has given me to invest in youth. The stories and new things that are happening is a testament to God's provision and faithfulness; you are included in that.

I hope and pray you are encouraged.

If you would like to partner with me in sharing the good news of the Gospel with youth in North Perth, you can do so by clicking the 'donate' button below and of course, by praying for me and the rest of the team.

All For His Glory,

Russ & Meredith - July 2021

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement) PRAISE: All our kids have confirmed places for school in August. We survived the latest season of lockdown and restrictions. Confirmation of 20+ city leads/hosts for our upcoming global hackathon in October. PRAY: That our family would thrive during 10 weeks of school break, continued restrictions, and not being able to return to visit family in North America. For clear strategic thinking as Russ builds a digital transformation roadmap for the Lausanne Movement. For meaningful connections as we say goodby to various family/friends leaving Singapore.

Robert & Susan - July 2021

MARTIN, ROBERT & SUSAN (Kingston, ON; Kingston Prison Ministry; MSC) PRAISE: Both S. and B. have maintained a positive outlook and continued trusting the Lord through their ordeal in prison. They were recently released to halfway houses mid-June and are both doing well. We recently received notification from CBI Minimum institution indicating they believe inmates will be allowed to return to the community. We pray that men will soon be able to attend church again with us. There are a number of men we have contact with who are not allowing themselves to fall into despair through the extra limitations Covid has caused. They are persevering! PRAY: An unfortunate event occurred in the chapel at Bath Inst. causing chaplaincy to receive negative attention. Satan delights in this opportunity. Please pray that staff and inmates will not remain focused on this or that there will be action taken at higher levels to curtail chaplaincy or ministry involvement for volunteers like ourselves. There are some conflicts arising between vaccinated and unvaccinated inmates. Pray that staff would have wisdom not to escalate this into dangerous altercations. We would really like to have access to return to the institutions to have in-person contact with the men.

Gord & Heather - July 2021

MARTIN, GORD & HEATHER (Waterloo, ON; Vision Ministries) PRAISE/PRAY: Indy is still in Myanmar/Burma, danger and despair are daily realities. Pray that believers there would shine like lights in the middle of a crooked and perverse generation. Partnering churches, I am in the middle of writing a brief document on how established churches could partner meaningfully and strategically with immigrant churches in Canada. This initiative flows from a conversation I had last week with five key Ethiopian and Eritrean pastors. Pray that I would be led by the Holy Spirit in this writing. Praise! A new Chinese church started in Richmond Hill two weeks ago.