Charlotte Martin - July 2021

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE (Guelph, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: I had a restful 5 week Sabbatical in May/June. The Digital Mission Trip my team ran in May went well. The Canadian students who participated grew in their heart for God and their heart for missions. Using social media platforms we were able to make friends in East Asia and Desert Rain and have spiritual conversations. As well we had a group learning about ministry in Japan, and a group reaching out to international students in Canada. PRAY: My team is writing a global missions blog series to be published in the fall. Pray for creativity and clarity of thought. We're starting to talk about mission trips for 2022. Pray that we would know how to proceed wisely but also with faith. Our East Asia team hopes to go overseas in August to a new country. Pray for all the logistics to come together - visas, flights, vaccinations, accommodations etc.

Ray & Carol - July 2021

JONES, RAY & CAROL (Guelph, ON; Itinerant Preaching/Teaching Ministry) PRAISE: We are very thankful to the Lord for continued opportunity to serve Him through preaching and in various ways, despite the inconvenience of Covid. I have had my second shot and Carol gets hers June 30th. We are thankful for the fellowship enjoyed through the weekly Zoom prayer meetings and for all the faithful prayer and support from Wallenstein. At Guelph Bible Conference Centre we are planning to hold children's camps and Family Camps this year, Lord willing. PRAY: Carol's health continues to be a concern and we appreciate prayer for that. My sister, Maureen in England, has cancer in two areas plus two broken bones in her back. Please pray for her, spiritually and physically. Guelph Bible C.C needs more counselors for the children's camps and there is still room for more campers in both childrens and family camps. The government Covid rules are going to put an extra strain on running the sessions this year. Please pray for souls to be saved and the Lord's people blessed.

Les & Sharon - July 2021

FREY, LES & SHARON (Elmira, ON; Local Church) PRAISE: Good health- blood test results fine for both of us. Good contacts both in Spanish and English. PRAY: For 9 Mexican workers in Elmira who gladly received a bilingual New Testament. Pray some may be interested in a Bible study. For a couple we met as we walked on our street who we want to reach. For our marriage mentoring with three couples. Les' online Spanish bible course students.

Esther Frey - July 2021

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence)  PRAISE:  God hears and answers prayer. Teens played outdoor games in the chapel parking lot Sat. June 26. Three students finished the 90 courses to receive their last diploma. Two boys and a girl took the Trauma Healing classes for children. We had our first activity with seniors, playing games. Lots of projects were done at camp the week the Team came from Tennessee. They also had opportunities to share the gospel in nearby areas.

PRAY:  July 8 will be our second seniors activity getting to know each other better. Teen camp July 19-24.  At time of writing we have 37 applications. DVBS July 26-30. This same date another team of 30 will come from Tennessee to work at camp. Just heard of a church congregation at the west end of the island that had an outbreak of COVID-19. 4 died quickly including the Pastor and 20 were hospitalized. 

Raul & Jessenia - July 2021

ESPINOZA, RAUL & JESSENIA (Guayaquil, Ecuador; MSC) PRAISE: Youth group has been happening and it has been so fun to see the youth again and their excitement and joy at being able to play and study together. We have a new group of kids and really enjoy their attitudes and participation. The school renovation project "Fresh Start" is underway and the school is looking much better, step by step. PRAY: That school would be able to go back to in-person in the next couple of months. For wisdom for Raul as he works with the rest of the school board to reorganize some of the school functions and the building itself.