Esther Frey - July 2021

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence)  PRAISE:  God hears and answers prayer. Teens played outdoor games in the chapel parking lot Sat. June 26. Three students finished the 90 courses to receive their last diploma. Two boys and a girl took the Trauma Healing classes for children. We had our first activity with seniors, playing games. Lots of projects were done at camp the week the Team came from Tennessee. They also had opportunities to share the gospel in nearby areas.

PRAY:  July 8 will be our second seniors activity getting to know each other better. Teen camp July 19-24.  At time of writing we have 37 applications. DVBS July 26-30. This same date another team of 30 will come from Tennessee to work at camp. Just heard of a church congregation at the west end of the island that had an outbreak of COVID-19. 4 died quickly including the Pastor and 20 were hospitalized.