Trevor & Hannah - May 2021

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For a diversity and oneness training that both Trevor and Hannah went through. It was helpful to learn about and grow in matters of race, culture, ethnicity and heritage. There's much more to learn, but it was a fruitful experience. For a female student who came to Christ in North Africa and who was led to Christ by our colleague Jocelyn who we worked with and coached a couple of years ago. This area of the world has hard soil, so we praise God for this new believer! PRAY: For a Discipleship Resources Project that Trevor is leading. He and his team will work to consolidate & highlight resources for our staff & students to use in discipling others. Our goal is to have this ready in August for next school year. For wisdom with our spring/summer priorities and to find ways to be a light to our neighbours amidst lockdown and the pandemic