Charlotte Martin - March 2021

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE (Guelph, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: The mini webinar series my team hosted in February went well. Student attendance was low (only 15-20 students) but those who came were engaged and enjoyed themselves. Another similar event is happening for students in Montreal the first week in March. One of our staff working in the Arab world saw a muslim friend pray to receive Christ. They now hope to meet regularly to study the Bible. PRAY: We're behind in planning for our digital mission trip happening in May. Pray for a strong leadership team to be formed to plan the experience. Pray that students would sign up to participate. Pray that through this opportunity we would be able to engage in meaningful online ministry. Pray for my global missions team as we take some time to plan for the future.

Ray & Carol - March 2021

JONES, RAY & CAROL (Guelph, ON; Itinerant Preaching/Teaching Ministry) PRAISE: Thankful that despite Covid we are doing well and my speaking schedule is about full for the next few months! Very thankful that we still have an Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent God who isn't at all hindered by this world's ills; all He needs is willing vessels to live and work through! PRAY: Please pray that we will soon get the "jab" and be able to get the "jab" and get back to speaking in person! Zoom is OK, but nothing like actually being with the Lord's people. Please pray for our family in England, some of whom are not saved. On April 4th, Resurrection Sunday, I will be preaching over there and some of my family plan to watch again.

Esther Frey - March 2021

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence) PRAISE: God's strength and protection. Students are searching for the truth. Prisoners are sharing with cellmates the materials they are studying. We continue to meet each Sunday morning at the chapel. Teens are receiving weekly zoom discipleship. Most of the chapel roof leaks have been repaired, thanks to the Pastor as a handyman. PRAY: We are still planning to project the movie OVERCOMER, possibly the 24th. Plans for DVBS in June or July. Praying about a possible young people's camp in July. Ramon Ibanez, leader from Word of Life, would be the director. God is directing the elders to go ahead with the chapel bathroom repairs. It is an expensive project but He is able. That I will get my income tax information ready in time.

Raul & Jessenia - March 2021

ESPINOZA, RAUL & JESSENIA (Guayaquil, Ecuador; MSC) PRAISE: God provided a way for us to get a loan on a house here in Guayaquil and we are now moved in and getting settled! God has blessed us with physical blessings which we have been able to use to encourage a Venezualen couple who are believers. PRAY: For Lijia and Jairo, the Venezuelan couple- that they would be able to get on their feet here in Ecuador, and be able to send money back to their kids in Venezuela. That God would give us wisdom as we try to help them in that. For school leadership as big decisions are being made.