Praise & Prayer

Esther Frey - April 2024

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence)  PRAISE: Three (two ladies and one 12 yr. old boy) were baptized March 23. The one lady was a Jehovah Witness for 30 years. What a joy! We had 21 children attending our Easter event. A great opportunity to share the message of our risen Lord. Some visitors attended our Good Friday and Easter Sunday services. I enjoyed attending several concerts Easter week with ladies I used to pick up for Sunday School when children. So grateful for your constant prayer support. Received some encouragement on my eye conditions.  PRAY:  We will have 5 Fridays for children, praying that those who came Easter Thursday will return and then in June continue with them in DVBS. Our seniors will meet April 12 and the ladies April 20. We want to see the bathroom project completed so the painting can be completed. Keep the future of camp in prayer. I will receive two more knee injections this month.

Jenn Brubacher - April 2024

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: I’m thankful for the time I had to connect with a YFC staff member from Vancouver. I continue to volunteer in the high school, meeting practical needs such as being a supervisor on field trips and coaching track and field this spring. These moments provide incredible windows of opportunities to connect with students, build relationships and be a safe, caring adult for youth. PRAY: Please pray for our staff team in Listowel as we experience a significant transition. We need more volunteers for our Tuesday night drop-in; as numbers increase, so do the needs of students. Pray for the handful of students who are struggling significantly this month. Debilitating anxiety, grief, and academics are some things students don’t know how to navigate. May they see glimpses of God’s Kingdom as He dwells in us, showing them Jesus’ Way in their conflict, big emotions and hopelessness.   

Phil & Andrea - April 2024

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA  (Canada, International roles with SIM) PRAISE/PRAY: Praise for a great time in Kenya at the Flourishing People conference Andrea helped organise. We’re thankful that we were home in time to celebrate Easter with our family. Next week, Phil and two colleagues attend a conference with a large church in the Middle East which would like to start sending workers through SIM. Pray for a strong partnership to develop. Mid-April we travel to Austria, where Phil and Andrea gather with the rest of Phil’s Executive Team for a time of refreshment and looking ahead. The following week, we meet for a Leader Development gathering where we’ll be spending time with the couple we are mentoring. Please pray for safe travel, good health and days of rest in the midst of travel.

Robert & Susan Martin - March 2024

MARTIN, ROBERT & SUSAN (Kingston, ON; Kingston Prison Ministry; MSC)  PRAISE: I met Ben for the first time this week; he is new to the prison system and nervous.  He has no church background but has started doing Bible correspondence courses and is showing sincere interest.  He  would like to meet with me regularly for spiritual conversation. Chapel service attendances have been up at three different institutions over the past several weeks.  PRAY: Pray for unity among Christian inmates.  Several men shared with me how one man is attempting to dominate in the different areas including the chapel area. May the grace of God provide help for all who are entangled in this situation. Pray for patience as men have to wait for access to programs and then to successfully complete them before they can move to lower security or apply for parole. Many times the local institutions do not follow the mandates put in place by Ottawa.  It can seem very unfair and is understandably frustrating.

Phil & Andrea - March 2024

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA  (Canada, International roles with SIM)    PRAISE:  For a great commissioning service on February 24. That our kids and other family and friends could be present. For good handover and continued conversations with Joshua, Phil’s predecessor in the role. That we could visit a retirement village in Florida that houses 100+ SIM retirees. PRAY: For wisdom for Phil as he continues to learn and adjust to his new role as SIM International Director. For safe travel and good connections for Phil as he joins 75 sports ministry workers from around the world as they meet in Thailand. For Andrea as she prepares for a Flourishing People workshop in Kenya Mar 18-22.