Praise & Prayer

Esther Frey - January 2024

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence)  PRAISE: We enter into the new year with the Prince of Peace. Thankful for what God has done in the past. So grateful for your support in prayer and finances all these years. Activities in December for seniors. I spent Christmas eve with the Lopez family.  PRAY: A one day, one night family retreat at camp Jan. 5,6. For camp committees meeting Jan. 20.  Ramon's family had to leave PR so they are in Florida until Jan. 29, then going to Spain for a  year. This leaves my apt. free to be fixed up and sold.  Pray for this. I continue to receive eye injections for macular degeneration. Teamworkers will be coming this month to help in various projects at the chapel.

Raul & Jessenia - January 2024

ESPINOZA, RAUL & JESSENIA (Guayaquil, Ecuador; MSC) PRAISE: For a good Christmas season- we were able to share some Christmas day traditions with some of Raul's family, some of whom do not know Christ and we ended up having a good spiritual conversation with them. That the youth group continues strong and united. We are seeing a faithful group show up Sunday mornings and to other church events. They sang a song at the church's end of the year event, and it was encouraging to see such a good turn out and even to have one of the young guys lead on the guitar (he just started learning this year). PRAY: That we would organize ourselves well in this new year and that we can find reliable child care help. For the new president as he makes decisions as to how he will respond to the crime in the country. For camp leaders as they organize the camp season.

Jenn Brubacher - January 2024

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: I’m thankful for the community supporting our ministry with their prayers, time and finances. Thank you for being a part of this and your faithfulness this year. Coaching volleyball at the high school gives me incredible opportunities to build relationships with students, be a steady presence and source of encouragement in the midst of a mental spiral, celebrate the wins and coach a sport I love. Will you pray for the 12 students I’m currently coaching? May God stir in them a deep curiosity for more. PRAY: This month, I’ve had more conversations with students about suicide and hopelessness. Will you pray for C, L, M and C? May they encounter the very presence of God and experience new life and hope.

Phil & Andrea - January 2024

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA  (Canada, International roles with SIM)    PRAISE: For a wonderful Christmas season with friends and family as we remember God’s gift to us. For a great few days of retreat and reflection in mid-December. For rest. PRAY: That Phil will have wisdom to know when and how to re-engage as he ends his sabbatical. For a good week of vacation before the transition work starts in earnest. For Andrea as she gets back into her Personnel role after the holidays. For continued peace and wisdom as we establish priorities.

Raul & Jessenia - December 2023

ESPINOZA, RAUL & JESSENIA (Guayaquil, Ecuador; MSC) PRAISE: For continued safety for us and our community. That we had a good youth event "Everyone to the Table" where we studied Mephibosheth and then introduced the youth to chili which they seemed to enjoy. That the sponsor Zoom event went well and we were encouraged by the turn out and feedback.  PRAY:  For the Christmas season, that both our school and church community would be encouraged as we think about Christ coming to earth to be with us and that a spirit of community would continue to be developed. That throughout the busy holiday season we would make time to focus on the meaning of Christmas ourselves and impart that to our boys.