Raul & Jessenia - January 2024

ESPINOZA, RAUL & JESSENIA (Guayaquil, Ecuador; MSC) PRAISE: For a good Christmas season- we were able to share some Christmas day traditions with some of Raul's family, some of whom do not know Christ and we ended up having a good spiritual conversation with them. That the youth group continues strong and united. We are seeing a faithful group show up Sunday mornings and to other church events. They sang a song at the church's end of the year event, and it was encouraging to see such a good turn out and even to have one of the young guys lead on the guitar (he just started learning this year). PRAY: That we would organize ourselves well in this new year and that we can find reliable child care help. For the new president as he makes decisions as to how he will respond to the crime in the country. For camp leaders as they organize the camp season.