Praise & Prayer

J&R K - South Asia - July 2023

J&R  (South Asia; Frontiers)  PRAISE:  Praise the Lord for a good finish to the end of the school year. What a blessing to see one of our standard 13 students get baptized on the last day of term!  PRAY: Pray for rest as we finish off tasks in the next two weeks. Pray we’d have a refreshing break and for the new staff preparing to come in the new year. Pray for R* a widow lady in our study group battling breast cancer with almost no treatment as she cannot afford it. May Jesus be near and May the Spirit open her heart to the gospel.

Esther Frey - July 2023

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence)  PRAISE: 25 Seniors took the physical evaluation. We had 21 staff from the university responsible to do the evaluations. Had opportunities to share testimonies. This last week in June we had the privilege of 24 people from a church in Florida doing scraping and painting at the chapel. My monthly eye injection has been extended to 6 weeks.  PRAY: The first Sunday in July an ex-inmate Emmaus student is giving his testimony at the chapel. July 6 and 7 the university students will present the seminars on physical therapy for seniors. Brian will return July 7 from his trip to Malaysia. July 31 to August 4 will be a week for children on Healing the Wounded Heart. We desperately need young families, youth and children in our assembly. 

Phil & Andrea - July 2023

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA  (Canada, International roles with SIM) PRAISE:  For the strong affirmation of Phil's nomination as the next SIM International Director by the SIM Board of Governors as well as the global membership of SIM. For the International Director Search Committee that oversaw a very robust, confidential process that was immersed in prayer. For the support and encouragement of colleagues and close friends through the search and affirmation process. For a clear sense of peace knowing many challenges lie ahead.  PRAY: That God would continue to guide us and grant us his peace as we prepare for this transition. That Phil can work effectively with Joshua and colleagues in the coming weeks and months to hand over responsibilities of his current role in preparation for sabbatical. For Andrea and her colleague as they hand over the responsibilities for the Middle East Personnel Coordinator role. 

Robert & Susan - June 2023

MARTIN, ROBERT & SUSAN (Kingston, ON; Kingston Prison Ministry; MSC)  PRAISE: BG is doing well since being released to a treatment centre and more recently now to a halfway house. He is thanking the Lord for employment and the positive reconnecting with family.  PRAY: ZD is back in court for the past month on an appeal. Pray for success and courage during the process. (I was able to testify on his behalf via zoom last week.) RM was denied parole. This was a surprise and so discouragement will be a battle as he waits again.

Trevor & Hannah Martin - June 2023

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For our daughter Amelia (6) who had been having nosebleeds almost every night for 2 or 3 weeks. Perhaps it was spring allergies because we are grateful that there has been a lot of improvement recently. For our daughter Avery (1) who has finally started to take her first few steps! She has resisted walking and much prefers crawling, but hopefully can move to this next stage soon!  PRAY: For Daniel, a Laurier student, who is recovering from a stroke and heart surgery this past semester. Plus his mom who also had a stroke not too long ago. For Jared and Carissa, new staff on the Waterloo team, who are building their support team so they can be full-time on campus in September.