Esther Frey - July 2023

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence)  PRAISE: 25 Seniors took the physical evaluation. We had 21 staff from the university responsible to do the evaluations. Had opportunities to share testimonies. This last week in June we had the privilege of 24 people from a church in Florida doing scraping and painting at the chapel. My monthly eye injection has been extended to 6 weeks.  PRAY: The first Sunday in July an ex-inmate Emmaus student is giving his testimony at the chapel. July 6 and 7 the university students will present the seminars on physical therapy for seniors. Brian will return July 7 from his trip to Malaysia. July 31 to August 4 will be a week for children on Healing the Wounded Heart. We desperately need young families, youth and children in our assembly.