Praise & Prayer

Raul & Jessenia - February 2022

ESPINOZA, RAUL & JESSENIA (Guayaquil, Ecuador; MSC) PRAISE: Jessenia’s parents were able to return home safely and with only minor travel disruptions because of a bout with COVID. For great quality time with Jessenia’s family while they were here and the connections they made with Tiago. Also, though we are in our last month of the school year, the school is beginning a semi-in-person schedule for the students. PRAY: This month of January has been characterized by a surge of COVID cases, and once again things were shut down, though only for a couple weeks. We are glad to be back to in-person church and hope to begin with youth soon as well. Please pray too for wisdom and smooth travel plans as we look to travel back to Canada in March to await the birth of our second child.

Jenn Brubacher - February 2022

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: The new covid restrictions once again allowed us to connect with students in creative, new ways. We had online baking nights, went on walks with students and had drop-in sledding. It was fantastic to connect with students outside of our regular program times. I am thankful for our amazing volunteer team; it was a gift to reconnect with them after the holidays. Our staff team is hoping to expand in the next few months! PRAY: My involvement in the high school has stalled as covid continues to affect our community. Pray for patience and wisdom as I navigate the next few weeks and covid restrictions change again. Pray for teachers, staff, students and parents as students enter the second semester. Pray for HopeLinks, the new warming centre in Listowel that will provide laundry facilities, showers and hot meals for those who need it.

Phil & Andrea - February 2022

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA (Canada, International roles with SIM) PRAISE: For new team leaders arriving in a Middle East country. That there are new workers arriving in the Middle East in Feb & March. That friends who moved country to escape hardship have been granted a work permit in their new country. That each member of our immediate family has stayed healthy, including Cara in residence. PRAY: For both of us to stay healthy and safe over the next month as we will be travelling to 4 countries. Specifically pray that we will stay COVID free. That we can listen well to colleagues and have the discernment to know when to share the right information at the right time. That we can keep in front of regular work as well as COVID requirements as we travel. That everything works smoothly for the 3 online 'cafes' Andrea is hosting while we are travelling. For wisdom for Andrea as she deals with a difficult personnel situation. For clear direction for a young Canadian couple who have just done a vision trip to the Middle East. For Cara as she waits to hear back the results of co-op job interviews. That Liam will have full-time job opportunities that he can apply to.

Trevor & Hannah - January 2022

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For the safe and healthy arrival of our baby Avery on December 16!! For a good recovery for Hannah from labour. PRAY: For our family as we continue to adjust as a family of four. For the new student leaders at University of Waterloo this semester (we have new student leaders every semester because University of Waterloo is a co-op school).

Russ & Meredith Martin - January 2022

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement) PRAISE: We received approval for Russ' work pass and a two year renewal. K is joining Russ' team and will be based in Asia. Meaningful Christmas memories despite a last minute cancellation of our planned trip to Canada. PRAY: For continued outreach opportunities with N, J, V, CS. For effective engagement as Russ leads a "Social Media as a Leadership Tool" cohort for global missions leaders. That the right partners would surface to expand our global hackathon to 200 cities this year in October.