Phil & Andrea - February 2022

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA (Canada, International roles with SIM) PRAISE: For new team leaders arriving in a Middle East country. That there are new workers arriving in the Middle East in Feb & March. That friends who moved country to escape hardship have been granted a work permit in their new country. That each member of our immediate family has stayed healthy, including Cara in residence. PRAY: For both of us to stay healthy and safe over the next month as we will be travelling to 4 countries. Specifically pray that we will stay COVID free. That we can listen well to colleagues and have the discernment to know when to share the right information at the right time. That we can keep in front of regular work as well as COVID requirements as we travel. That everything works smoothly for the 3 online 'cafes' Andrea is hosting while we are travelling. For wisdom for Andrea as she deals with a difficult personnel situation. For clear direction for a young Canadian couple who have just done a vision trip to the Middle East. For Cara as she waits to hear back the results of co-op job interviews. That Liam will have full-time job opportunities that he can apply to.