Praise & Prayer

Esther Frey - January 2022

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence) PRAISE: We had 9 children present in our activity Dec. 18. It was a very rainy day, so we were in and out. The new camp committee met that same day at camp. The specialist told me that as long as I feel well, he would not operate. I need to limit myself in some areas. Had a wonderful Christmas Eve with the Lopez family. Enjoyed music and doing a puzzle during the last week of December. Thanks for greetings from Canada. PRAY: Several of our dear sisters are battling with variants of the virus. One of our faithful brothers went to be with the Lord. Pray for the family. His son is an elder at the chapel. Karen, this week got a tracheotomy and also a tube put in to receive food. Pray for her husband's salvation. Our chapel needs so many repairs (bathrooms, roof). The bathroom project is near the starting stage. With so much rain a lot of mopping has had to be done, especially Sunday mornings before the service. My office roof has several leaks too. Pray for Brian Array's return to Puerto Rico Jan. 26. He will be teaching at a Christian Academy and giving part time to the Emmaus work. We (Wallenstein and myself) are workers together for many years. Praise His Name.

Raul & Jessenia - January 2022

ESPINOZA, RAUL & JESSENIA (Guayaquil, Ecuador; MSC) PRAISE: So much to be thankful for this Christmas! Jessenia's brother and parents were finally able to come visit, which has been such a blessing. The Christmas basket project that Wallenstein helped us to do went very well, and we were excited to see how participative our youth were in the project. The school Christmas party also went really well and for the first time in 2 years each class was able to see each other in person for an hour, play games, hear the gospel message and open their presents. Best of all- at least personally for us as a couple- Raul's step-dad prayed to receive Christ on Christmas day! We have been praying for him for a while and have been doing a Bible study with Raul's family weekly for the last few months and he has been very interested and interactive in the studies. We are excited to see God's plan continue unfolding in his life! PRAY: For Marcos- Raul's step-dad- as he learns what it means to follow Christ in his daily life. For the school as it seems that each time there is a date set for classes to begin in person, something always happens to postpone it.

Jenn Brubacher - January 2022

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: Before the break we were able to have a Christmas party and share the good news of the Gospel with students at our drop-in centre. We were able to put together a little ‘driveway drop-off’ gift for students to remind them that we’re thinking and praying for them during the lockdown. I’ve had great one-on-one time mentoring students and was able to host an outdoor campfire before the Christmas break. I’m really thankful for the last few months of in-person ministry - it’s an honour to have a consistent voice in these students’ lives. PRAY: With the current lockdown, in-person ministry has come to a halt. Please pray for teachers, staff, parents and students as they navigate remote learning, especially students who are graduating and are hoping to attend post secondary school in the fall - it is very stressful. I continue to need wisdom on how to care best for students during this season. Please pray for my cousin, Dale, and his family as he recovers from a serious car accident.

Phil & Andrea - January 2022

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA (Canada, International roles with SIM) PRAISE: For the opportunity to remember Christ's first coming and to look forward to the second. For great times together as a family over the holidays. That Cara had a successful end to her co-op job and that Liam's semester ended well. That Mackenzie got a full-time permanent position when her contract expired in December. PRAY: For both of us as we get back into work after some time away from our desks. For Liam and Cara as they start back to classes (online for now). That Liam will have clear guidance about next steps as this is the last semester of his degree. For Cara working as a residence don that she can be a light and a testimony to those she serves. Pray too that Cara would not get COVID and for wisdom to wisely navigate COVID restrictions in a residence full of students.

Trevor & Hannah - December 2021

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For our large Weekly Meetings that we've been able to have at U of W (mostly outdoors) and for students willing to bear rain & cold conditions at times! For a good first few months of school for our daughter Amelia as she started SK. PRAY: For our baby girl that is due December 22. For a smooth labour and good transition to having another child. For various recruiting opportunities as we invite students to consider full-time ministry