Esther Frey - January 2022

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence) PRAISE: We had 9 children present in our activity Dec. 18. It was a very rainy day, so we were in and out. The new camp committee met that same day at camp. The specialist told me that as long as I feel well, he would not operate. I need to limit myself in some areas. Had a wonderful Christmas Eve with the Lopez family. Enjoyed music and doing a puzzle during the last week of December. Thanks for greetings from Canada. PRAY: Several of our dear sisters are battling with variants of the virus. One of our faithful brothers went to be with the Lord. Pray for the family. His son is an elder at the chapel. Karen, this week got a tracheotomy and also a tube put in to receive food. Pray for her husband's salvation. Our chapel needs so many repairs (bathrooms, roof). The bathroom project is near the starting stage. With so much rain a lot of mopping has had to be done, especially Sunday mornings before the service. My office roof has several leaks too. Pray for Brian Array's return to Puerto Rico Jan. 26. He will be teaching at a Christian Academy and giving part time to the Emmaus work. We (Wallenstein and myself) are workers together for many years. Praise His Name.