Praise & Prayer

Phil & Andrea - March 2021

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA (Canada, International roles with SIM) PRAISE: That Andrea has been able to complete her coaching course. That the virtual SIM Board of Governors meetings went well. For safety and security for some friends and colleagues in Niger and other places who have found themselves in some challenging situations. That each of our kids are continuing to have employment and that we have been able to have the kids at our place again. That there are little signs that warmer weather might eventually arrive. PRAY: For Phil as he coordinates a working group seeking to make our organisational core values more memorable and more deeply embedded in the organisation. For L, from Latin America, as she hopes to arrive in the Middle East the first week of March. Continued leading and direction for several people who are in the midst of discerning God's direction for possible ministry in the Middle East. For Kieran & Mackenzie, that their application to rent an apartment would be accepted. They also need wisdom as they continue to try and plan a wedding in the midst of COVID. For Liam to find another co-op job for May through August.

Trevor & Hannah - February 2021

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: That 35+ students came to be trained on discipleship at Waterloo and many will be starting discipleship relationships soon. Creativity to try new things and courage to take initiative in evangelism. PRAY: For Alpha at Waterloo and Laurier. There are lots of Christians ready to help, but we want more non-Christians to come. For Students' mental health. The winter, lockdown and online school is a tough mix for many. For a national webinar series that Trevor is leading. That it will be inspirational and helpful for students.

Russ & Meredith - February 2021

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH (Singapore; Power to Change) PRAISE: Russ has had a smooth transition to serving with the Lausanne Movement and getting to know new colleagues all around the world. Our tenant at our home in the US has been able to get some seasonal employment. Continued development of meaningful conversation with non-believing neighbors. PRAY: Heath's skin issues have taken a turn for the worse and can't be calmed without steroids, a breakthrough is needed as we see the country's leading pediatric dermatologist/allergist in early February. For wisdom in pursuing a partnership with a local SIngapore ministry for a "digital mission trip". For Russ to find the right person to recruit to a marketing role with the Indigitous network.

Robert & Susan - February 2021

MARTIN, ROBERT & SUSAN (Kingston, ON; Kingston Prison Ministry; MSC)  PRAISE:  M won his appeal hearing and has been transferred back to a provincial jail.  Doing time at the provincial level is much more difficult/challenging than federal. Pray that his faith will stay strong as he waits hoping for bail and a successful new trial. A has reached out to me in the past month to say that he is doing well on his return to the street.  He has some mental health issues which he is learning to manage and he is seeking to trust the Lord and follow Him.  Pray for steadfastness and dependence on the Lord.  PRAY:  G has reoffended and was recently sentenced to another four years. Pray that I would have wisdom, love, to communicate the truth of the gospel to him so that the Holy Spirit can help him to see himself accurately.

Susan’s parents, Ron and Verna Millson have been living on their own in Kingston for 5 years.  Shortly after Christmas Ron had a “neurological event” (stroke??... we haven’t been able to have a complete diagnosis).  This resulted in a sudden deterioration with increased confusion along with other dementia “oddities”.  Please pray for Verna as she provides much of the daytime care.  Her presence provides the most comfort and security.  We are assisting her as she does as well as helping with nighttime care.  We are thankful for the timing in this and know this is God’s will for us right now as we provide care to help them to remain in their own home.

Gord & Heather - February 2021

MARTIN, GORD & HEATHER (Waterloo, ON; Vision Ministries) PRAISE/PRAY: Vision Ministries Kenya, we are grateful to the Lord for his blessing on this sister network of churches. It's been almost 10 years since we've been involved with them. We are now looking forward, asking for the Lord's guidance for our future involvement there. Please pray with us. Peter and Debra Johnson have arrived in Toronto and are now beginning their outreach among the Nigerian and West Africans there. Please pray that the Lord would swing open doors of entry to that community for them. When Ron Seabrooke learned that we were beginning to reach out to Muslim background people he said, be prepared for spiritual warfare! Please pray especially for pastors Siamak Keramat and Obed Rod and their families and coworkers as they reach out to this thirsty and controversial people group. The Lord loves them. The response is exciting! Pray that his servants will not be exhausted but that they will run and not be weary.